Topics Started by flag
Son moved in to college / mom feeling the blues
by flag in.
ok, it is time to salute the "flag".. .
actually i need a little bit of your support and or suggestions.. my son moved in to college (sdsu) this past weekend and although i'm very proud of him i'm starting to miss him.
Anything special at the DC on friday?
by flag ina friend of mine has been inviting me to attend the dc on friday.
she is pushing me to attend that specific day.
do you know if anything special is going on that day?
Do you want to know how many kh's wt owns in mexico & Belize?
by flag insome of our relatives visited us from mexico and i saw the km for the month of may.. the title was:.
an inportant fase of our holy service.
construction of kingdom halls.
Elder visit - follow up
by flag inwell, i still haven't met with him yet.. i specifically told him to make an appointment first, and that my husband had to be present.. but, what is he doing?
totally the opposite!!!.
he hasn't called to make the appointment, last saturday he sent his wife to knock on my door (which i did not answered), and he showed up yesterday afternoon (without calling first).
I think they after me now!!!
by flag in2 days ago i received a phone call from an elder that recently moved to the cong i was in.. this elder is the type that feels that he is a big shot!
he gives parts in dc and ca's.. he asked me if he can come to visit, i told him that my husband had to be present and he had to call in advance to make an appointment.. this elder is so obnoxious and treat women as a 2nd class citizens.
any suggestions?.
Carl Sagan... Had the wt misquoted him?
by flag ini know that the wt quotes carl sagan a lot.
but the other day i was checking the wt cd and was surprised of all the quotes they have from him.. so i was wondering if they had quoted him correctly or out of context?.
i'm sure you guys had discussed this subjet before but right now i don't have time to do research.. thanks;.
Elder's visit
by flag inso, i finally had my first elder visit after 3 months!!!.
he showed up unannounced on saturday around 9:30 am but i was still on bed so i did not answered the door.
i thought that he wont come back but to my surprise he showed up again around 10:30 and this time i couldn't get away with not anwering because i had the music on plus my door has a window and he saw me in the living room.. he was by himself, (which is a big no,no,) when visiting a sister.. he was not very pushy, he said they miss me at the meetings, blah,blah,blah.. you won't believe what was his reasoning to justify that the end was near!.
We miss you skyman!!!
by flag indoes anybody knows where skyman is?.
if you are reading this mr. skyman.... i miss your comments.... .
don't you guys miss him as well?
KH construction in Mexico
by flag ini recently went to mexico for vacation and my sister in law told me that they were constructing a new kh.. i questioned her on how was it done, and this is what she told me:.
they saved the money for long time, then they sent the money to the wt.. wt then bought the land and the materials (but everyting is under wt name).
all brothers and sisters will work for free.. after everything is completed they still have to pay a "suggested contribution" to the wt for the use of the kh.. i think the law in mexico recently changed and now the wt can own property that is why they are pretty active building kh's.