I think they after me now!!!

by flag 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • flag

    2 days ago I received a phone call from an elder that recently moved to the cong I was in.

    This elder is the type that feels that he is a big shot! He gives parts in DC and CA's.

    He asked me if he can come to visit, I told him that my husband had to be present and he had to call in advance to make an appointment.

    This elder is so obnoxious and treat women as a 2nd class citizens.

    Any suggestions?

  • daystar

    Well, I don't know your situation, but I'd just tell him to get bent.

  • undercover

    Sounds like you handled it well so far.

    How to handle it from here depends on several factors.

    Is your husband a JW? Active or faded?

    Does getting DAd mess up some family ties? Or maybe it would just be the last nail before moving on with life?

    If the elder gives you the creeps then never meet him without your husband present. He won't be so liable to jerk you around with him present.

  • blondie

    1. Is your husband an active JW? No..........

    2. Do you want to talk to this elder?

    If not, then you are under no obligation to do so. Just say you are busy or that you don't need a visit. Don't discuss it...say you have to go, say goodbye, hang up. Then let your husband answer all the phone calls from the elders (caller ID).

    Blondie (the intimidator)

  • flag

    My husband hasn't been active for more many years.

    I think this elder will take me as a personal challenge to show the other elders that he is better than them.

    That is why I told him to make an appointment to come when my husband is present because my husband is a nice person but he can get mean if he has to. I already told my husband and he just said "bring them on" I'll take them any time.

    I wish they just leave alone.

  • OpenFireGlass

    well, If you could get audio or video of this elder treating a woman as second class; That would be a nice addition to the video/audio archives...


  • flag

    Well, I'm from a spanish cong.....

    I'll try to recorder anyway, maybe we can use it in the future in some spanish websites.

  • luna2

    Just refuse to meet with him. You're a very busy person, you know!

  • lowden

    Really Flag.....Please don't entertain this. Why would you want to put yourself or your huband through this. Stop the rot now!



  • KW13

    well, your under no pressure to meet him but just remember. Your home, your rules and if he forgets his manners you can ask him to leave.

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