Met him a few times, really neutral on him.
Just another guy that refused to come to the aid of the flock. Either a bad man or a weak man.
our good friend dan sydlik died today about 2 pm eastern time.
he was the last of the moderating forces on the gb.
lately he has had little influence among the ted (aka the boss) jaracz (head of the bethel cia - the service department) henchmen and loyalists.
Met him a few times, really neutral on him.
Just another guy that refused to come to the aid of the flock. Either a bad man or a weak man.
with the recent wt articles stressing how "new light" has appeared over the decades, this article is geared towards making sure individuals are active within the organization in order to ensure their survival.. this article is taken from e-watchman's discussion board, this is not my article.. .
just got a hold of the new may 15, 2006 watchtower containing the study article, "are you prepared for survival?
Thanks for the note. i just finished C of C today.
Your comment is right on. They are literally screaming it now, the temple of Jehovah, but they will pay with their lives.
How they beat their fellow slaves, me for one, thousands of you, and think of Ray Franz. They beat him mercilessly and they claim he is the evil slave.
Loyal association with Jehovah calls for disassociation with the WTS. Get out of her my people for starters.
When we built a new hall back in the 90's the collective cong agreed to donate $1900 per month plus money for the worldwide work. (hey, neato, WWW--I wonder if any ever considered that coincidence?)
anyway, with roughly 100 pubs that would make the average about $25. Add that up into families and it went to $50 to $100 per family.
I think that is probably a close average.
to those that remember me i came here to tell you something.what i want to tell you is that you guys were right.
i have been researching the wt since i briefly posted on this board and i have come to the conclusion that the wt is nothing but a man made organization.
i have been researching the wt non stop since december.
Makes me happy to hear that you researched this stuff out and came to the same conclusion that I did.
I don't know how long you were a witness, but leaving is not a quick-fix. There is still a lot of pain in your future, sometimes I still have sad attacks and cry, and I'm mad.
Pretty soon, you probably won't care what they do with you. Our elders just left us alone after about 3 meetings and several letters to the WT. I wish the best for you.
and i am not a jw.
from what i gather reading this site that makes me "worldly".
anyway, i am embarrassed to say we are both married and have children.
my sons wife left him and he has the 5 year old boy.
she is a selfish, self consumed person who should not have access to children.
It is a horrible and god dishonoring thing to be doing what you guys are doing, and the fact that you are planning on reinstatement tells me how superficial her dedication to God is. No matter what religion.
God hates divorce. I can show you proof why in my sons family.
Don't do this to the kids.
Please, zip up and think with the other head for a while.
Interestingly, a study I read about not long ago says that an affair has a chemical time run of about a year to 15 months. After that the buzz is gone and you'll both be looking forward to the next chemical rush.
well for some time now i have been having back pain.
i have been on pain meds now for about 4 years.
a few weeks ago the pain was so bad i ended up in the emergency room.
I broke my femur 9 years ago and went through depression and didn't know it. I was a cripple, in my mind, and out of work for a couple of years and just sat around and cried.
I got better and at 55 started a new business (masonry) and now lay bricks and do other related construction.
I have two advices for you:
1. Get the back operation only as a last resort after several doctors opinions.
2. Get yourself to a head doctor right away to help you through this. I didn't and the scars are still deep. Active, hardworking, successful don't do well on their ass. Get some help.
I feel for you and wish you the very best.
with the recent wt articles stressing how "new light" has appeared over the decades, this article is geared towards making sure individuals are active within the organization in order to ensure their survival.. this article is taken from e-watchman's discussion board, this is not my article.. .
just got a hold of the new may 15, 2006 watchtower containing the study article, "are you prepared for survival?
Scully Wrote:
The point the WTS in particular and JWs in general seem to be oblivious to is that Jehovah can withdraw his approval from an organization that is not living up to righteous requirements.
Case in point, is the nation of Israel. Whenever they strayed from True Worship™, the prophets were sent to sound warnings to turn away from their reckless course of action and return to worshiping Jehovah in righteousness. When they refused to listen to the prophets, they caused offense to Jehovah, and ultimately it led to the destruction of Israel.
Why is the WTS so arrogant as to assume that they are not capable of offending Jehovah, and cause him to withdraw his blessing from the organization? They love to compare themselves to that 'original' "Organization", yet they refuse to accept that the comparison is a two-edged sword when the modern Organization is so far removed from truth and righteousness that it would be impossible for Jehovah to overlook the egregiousness and treachery of their ways.
Scully right on!!
Talk about arrogance! I have enclosed a statement that you might really enjoy that PROVES what you are talking about.
WT-8-1-97 Page 11 paragraph 8
God’s earthly organization today is far superior to the Jewish system with its temple. Granted, it is not perfect; that is why adjustments are made at times. But neither is it riddled with corruption, nor is Jehovah God about to replace it. Never should we allow any imperfections we perceive within it to embitter us or move us to adopt a critical, negative spirit. Let us, rather, imitate the loyalty of Jesus Christ.—1 Peter 2:21.
Note Romans 11: 19-21.
You will say, then: "Branches were broken off that I might be grafted in." 20 All right! For [their] lack of faith they were broken off, but you are standing by faith. Quit having lofty ideas, but be in fear. 21 For if God did not spare the natural branches, neither will he spare you. 22 See, therefore, God’s kindness and severity. Toward those who fell there is severity, but toward you there is God’s kindness, provided you remain in his kindness; otherwise, you also will be lopped off. 23 They also, if they do not remain in their lack of faith, will be grafted in; for God is able to graft them in again. 24 For if you were cut out of the olive tree that is wild by nature and were grafted contrary to nature into the garden olive tree, how much rather will these who are natural be grafted into their own olive tree!Uninformed (double post by accident)
with the recent wt articles stressing how "new light" has appeared over the decades, this article is geared towards making sure individuals are active within the organization in order to ensure their survival.. this article is taken from e-watchman's discussion board, this is not my article.. .
just got a hold of the new may 15, 2006 watchtower containing the study article, "are you prepared for survival?
Scully Wrote:
The point the WTS in particular and JWs in general seem to be oblivious to is that Jehovah can withdraw his approval from an organization that is not living up to righteous requirements.
Case in point, is the nation of Israel. Whenever they strayed from True Worship™, the prophets were sent to sound warnings to turn away from their reckless course of action and return to worshiping Jehovah in righteousness. When they refused to listen to the prophets, they caused offense to Jehovah, and ultimately it led to the destruction of Israel.
Why is the WTS so arrogant as to assume that they are not capable of offending Jehovah, and cause him to withdraw his blessing from the organization? They love to compare themselves to that 'original' "Organization", yet they refuse to accept that the comparison is a two-edged sword when the modern Organization is so far removed from truth and righteousness that it would be impossible for Jehovah to overlook the egregiousness and treachery of their ways.
Scully right on!!
Talk about arrogance! I have enclosed a statement that you might really enjoy that PROVES what you are talking about.
WT-8-1-97 Page 11 paragraph 8
God’s earthly organization today is far superior to the Jewish system with its temple. Granted, it is not perfect; that is why adjustments are made at times. But neither is it riddled with corruption, nor is Jehovah God about to replace it. Never should we allow any imperfections we perceive within it to embitter us or move us to adopt a critical, negative spirit. Let us, rather, imitate the loyalty of Jesus Christ.—1 Peter 2:21.
Note Romans 11: 19-21.
You will say, then: "Branches were broken off that I might be grafted in." 20 All right! For [their] lack of faith they were broken off, but you are standing by faith. Quit having lofty ideas, but be in fear. 21 For if God did not spare the natural branches, neither will he spare you. 22 See, therefore, God’s kindness and severity. Toward those who fell there is severity, but toward you there is God’s kindness, provided you remain in his kindness; otherwise, you also will be lopped off. 23 They also, if they do not remain in their lack of faith, will be grafted in; for God is able to graft them in again. 24 For if you were cut out of the olive tree that is wild by nature and were grafted contrary to nature into the garden olive tree, how much rather will these who are natural be grafted into their own olive tree!Uninformed
ive just ordered "crisis of conscience" from amazon.
i am already totally free from dubdom but will this book make sure that i never return?
When Bill Clinton was president, they used to boast of his ability to "compartmentalize".
He was a piker compared to you.
well the memorial is tmrw night and time is running out to give out invitations.
(au time that is...) .
last night my mother asked me if i've heard from any of my old jw friends.
Anewme wrote:
No invitation.
On Memorial night I plan on sitting outside under the moonlight and just listen to the sounds of nature in the darkening canyon. (Maybe I'll even have a glass of dark fragrant red wine in my hand.)
Like tonight peacocks and turkeys will be crying as they put themselves to bed. My doves in the cage will be cooing. Nearby Tom cats will be wow wow wowwing. The cows on the hillside will be moooooooooing and the chickens next door will be fighting over roosting spots.
The Memorial Moon will slowly rise up over the cabin as it has done for thousands of years on this night.
I will say a heartfelt prayer to God and ask for divine help to understand the importance of the events of two thousand years ago. I will also ask him for guidance and wisdom to lead a life that honors his purpose.
I will think about my now dead parents. I will think about the witnesses. I will think about my dfing. I will think about my request I made for forgiveness. I will ask God to fill my heart with peace and help to put all this sorrow behind me. I will pray for all of you and I will pray for the world....that instead of the world ending there would be a world conversion to peace.
Dear Anewme,
What a beautiful post you just wrote. Had me almost in tears. That is a very wonderful way to spend memorial. I hope Jehovah hears your prayer for peace, and for the rest of us.
Your post really touched me.