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JoinedPosts by averyniceguy
Lurkers, please post here!
by averyniceguy inif you are a lurker, please post here!
if you are a lurker and you know who i am, please pm me!
i will never tell anyone!
The longest prayer ever ...
by Vivamus inthe memory of this just popped back into my mind.. i was at a 3 day congress, and the ending prayer was said by this really old brother.
he was one of the survivors of wo ii concentration camps were he was put for being a jw.. anyway, the poor man started his prayer with thanking jah, and then he recalled every piece and play of the three day congress.
i bet the man had written his prayer on paper and rehersed it each day adding a new 15 minutes to it ... he even mentioned a part where a witness lady replayed an incident on the street - she gave witness to by-standers - and one of the people she talked to had a stuffed dog.
I do remember the longest prayer, but I do not know how long it was, but it was so looooooooooooooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnng! I was a little boy back then in 1976(I think), Lyman Swingle(deceased Governing Body Member) gave the concluding prayer on the last day of the convention in New Orleans. My mom told me that I can go to the bathroom after the prayer, but when the prayer went wayyyyyyyyyy tooooooo loooooooooong, I begged my Mom to let me go, but she would not let me til the prayer was over, when he said Amen, I went to the bathroom right away! Thank goodness, I am out!
What did you learn today?
by JH ini went to the dentist today and was told that i have to floss before i brush my teeth, not after...... i always brushed then i flossed afterwards, and was told that when you floss, you send bacteria on your teeth and that's why you have to floss first.. so, i learned something today...... .
very interesting, Thanks for the input!
Welcome! Has she posted here yet?
Could an EX-JW Dating Site work?
by Bourne inhey!
since the "in" and "active" jw's have their dating websites, what about us?
at the moment, i see myself, at a future date, feeling most comfortable with someone with a similar background, someone who understood the issues left over from the experience of being a jw.
I hope so, I could attract current married JW sister out of there!
Is it okay for JW to lie? for what reasons?
January '08 "Keep on the Watch" brochure campaign cancelled
by Billy the Ex-Bethelite ini heard that a notice was sent to all boe this month removing "keep on the watch" as the featured january campaign.. can i get confirmation from anyone?.
my thing is little more than big, I need it to be reduced little bit
Who's Paired Off On This Here Board?
by snowbird inlet's if i can put them together.. bobbi/para bumble bee/memario exwitless/ldb blondie/irreverent angharad/simon missanna/bigdreaux sweetpea/pubsinger.
did i miss/mismatch anyone?.
jst2laws and jezebel(I do not remember how to spell her nick.)
Who on this Board would love to get rid of Organized Religion?
by restrangled inimho....it all needs to go.
its influencing everything in this world every and anywhere.
from the saudies, to the people in irag, iran and anywhere else our sons will need to be sent.. our current president claims he is influenced along with the former prime minister of england by religious beliefs.. there is the huge evangelical influence that got bush and the mess he made who put them in to begin with.. we have the jw's causing absolute havic in anyone's lives connected with this stupidity.. it goes on and on and on.
be careful what you wish for