Giordano nailed it. It's disrespect, and not believing that you're an intelligent individual who can think for yourself. You couldn't have good reasons for leaving, so nagging, nudging, reminding, or let's call it plain harassment, are acceptable to them.
I get texts like clockwork from my mother:
Tuesday mornings, she wants to let me know she's going in service now.
Wednesday mornings, she texts that she's going to her study now.
Thursday evenings, she texts that she's leaving for the meeting now.
Sunday mornings, same thing. "I'm going to the meeting, it'll be a great day." She never says good morning, how are you. No, she's clearly got an agenda, to bring meetings and service to my attention.
This infuriates me. I want to tell her to stop pushing. So disrespectful. I'm an adult woman and she's still nagging me. Yet, she's eighty two years old, and to tell her to knock it off because I'm happy at my own church and I'm never coming back to the Hall, would kill her. So for her sake I seethe and fume, which is probably harmful to my own health. I'm torn between, am I spineless for allowing her to do this, or am I being the better person for not shattering an elderly lady's hopes.