As I stated in your last thread, I'm a Cild/Adolescent Psych Registered Nurse. Going to college to get my nursing degree was the the best thing I could have done; I was a witness at the time, but school opened up a whole other world. I minored in biology, which those in my congregation hated because of my views on evolution. But anyway, I'm rambling..I love my work and love working with those little people.
JoinedPosts by DanielHaase
How many of us are in a Helping Field??
by lydia inokay - here we go many of us are in a helping field?.
i liked larc's post on my last thread - and want to explore it too - why did you choose the field and did you do so before or after the borg??.
so lets see how many of us there are..i bet alot.. this includes lawyers,and heath professional as well as therapists and teachers.... lets hear from everyone!!
Freaky picture
by Elsewhere inlook at the blue thing in the door in this picture... at first you won't be able to make it out, so look closely and very carefully.
it may take a few minutes, but eventually you will see what it is.. .
religion stops a thinking mind!.
New Smurf Lotto, dam I'm tired!
by Valis innew rules...three numbers between 1 and 10. sorry for the change, but your chances just got better.
will post first winning numbers tommorrow.
celia, i'm glad you like your smurf.
borderline personality disorder
by wonderwoman77 inthis is only my second post here to any of these boards.
i was just wondering if any of you out there suffer from bpd or have a relative that does.
my mom has it, and we no longer have a relationship.
I work with Alot of kids diagnosed with borderline "traits" (according to the DSM IV, any personality d/o's cannot be fully diagnosed until you're an adult). 95% of my patients with BPD are girls (the vast majority of those suffering with BPD are women). It's a very difficult diagnosis to deal with, as with most of your personality disorders. Personality d/o's are difficult to treat with medication as opposed to the current mood/psychotic disorders. The main point to remember whne dealing with those with BPD is that they require consistent attention but without rewarding negative behavior. BPD folks are very manipulative and can be very good liars. You have to be careful that the person with BPD doesn't pit you against other family or friends; this happens often with those with BPD. There's plenty of info out there on the web, just make sure it's legitimate. Getting a copy of the DSM IV may help too.
Survey - How many in Medical Field??
by lydia injust curiosity here... how many of us here are in the medical field?
i seem to find alot of us are or were at some point.
so i thought a survey would be in order.. also, if you are in a medical field - why did you choose it??.
Hey there..I'm a Registered Nurse here in the states. I mainly work in child/adolescent psych.
Why the Bible anyway?
by willy_think inwhy do i believe the bible is the inspired word of god anyway?
here are some answers i consider wrong .
1. it just fell out of the sky.
Yeah, well, if it was inspired by a maker, they did a damn crummy job of transcribing it. And you would think, that after 2000 years, there wouldbe some kind of "update" from the creator. Much has changed since then, so why isn't he/she helping us out on some new shit? And I'm not talking about "new light"...
"Brother, you better get down on your knees and pay...a thousand more fools are being born every f***ing day" -Bad Religion
Benefit From Theocratic Ministry School Education
by JT inyou got to love this----------.
Cracked up when i read that, although my mother would say the same shit all the time. They start to sound like crystal meth heads after a while.
"Brother, you better get down on your knees and pay...a thousand more fools are being born every f***ing day" -Bad Religion
new one!!!
by qadreena inhi, im angel, an ex like many others on here i gather.
ill be on regularly so speak to you all soon.
xxx angel xxx
Kick ass! Look forward to your posts!
Announcing the Great Apostate Song Contest.
by Mindchild ininspired by district overbeer valis and his smurf sticker contest, i decided to up the ante and announce a song contest for all you so inclined to play.. what i have in mind is this: take any recorded song you like, even the dreaded jw kingdom songs, and redub them to something much more fun!.
if you have a cool bastardized song (well that is what valis says it is called when you do this) then we can try it out at some of the apostofests that seem to be popping up like crazy all over!.
what do you win?
Remember "Life Without End, at Last"? Here's my modification:
Can you see, with your blind eye,
Elders sitting together...
Sorrow has passed, peace at last
No need to go in service anymore...
Scream out with joy of heart!
You too can have a part!
Meetings have passed, peace at last!
Life without borg, at last...
So I see, you're disfellowshipping me..
Care to hit of my bong, brother?
Anxiety has passed, ORAL SEX AT LAST!
No need to attend the meetings anymore..
Scream out with joy of heart!
Ray Franz had a part...
(of) misery has passed
Peace at last...
I was at the SM last night.....
by VioletAnai inthey were discussing sodom and gomorah and how if jah had found a few righteous men in that city, both cities would be spared.
not a one was found.
however, they mention jah protected lot and his daughters, as they were faithful and living nearby.
I thought it was interesting in that story that Lot was spared although he offered up his virgin daughters to the mob..Sick.