JoinedTopics Started by DanielHaase
Is everything pink now?
by DanielHaase inis it just my computer or is everything pink now?
much like hustler.
Recent fav president poll; and who was yours?
by DanielHaase ina recent poll showed that abraham lincoln was america's favororite all-time president; jfk and "w" ties for 2nd and clinton got second.
now during our dub years we didn't pay that much attention (or claimed we didn't hehe)to the history of our presidents.
but i was curious as to who you guys think our best all-time president was.
Ya'll dont believe in the Watchtower?
by DanielHaase indown here in da dirty sowth we all abot some awak!
and wactower.
i knows this jesus's word direcing us in our every step.
To Adam: A list of influential immigrants...
by DanielHaase inhere's quite a few, posters please add the many i missed:.
madeline albright (czechoslovakia).
mario andretti (italy).
HELP! Does anyone remember this guy?
by DanielHaase inthe recent post on how we felt about apostates when we were dubs made me remember something, which i touched on in the post.
when i was 11 my entire damn family visited bethel in brooklyn.
there was a grey-haired older fellow that stayed outside the facility yelling at the top of his lungs.
Wendy_Mommy! Please reply!
by DanielHaase inyour picture greatly reminds of a wendy i knew years back that lived a while in south mississippi and got d/f'd while here.
is it you?
i'd love to know...
Apostate web site ink stamps!
by DanielHaase ini wish i could remember who originally posted this idea a few weeks back so i could give credit where credit is due.
but i thought it was such a great idea, i figured why the hell not?
so i went up to the local office depot, where you can buy ink stamps that you set the letters yourself.
How sweet...Not knowing when family dies....
by DanielHaase inahhh, just blowing off a little steam here...perhaps many of you have been through the same shit.
i knew for the past couple of years that my uncle in mobile was dying of cancer.
well, the last time my mother and i talked (around october i think)she said, "well, we were in mobile all last weekend for uncle *****'s funeral".
What do you think? Drank and smoked with witness..
by DanielHaase inok, here's the situation.
i have a good friend who i grew up with and now lives in mobile, al.
of course, when i was d/f'd a couple of years back, all contact was gone.
Remember these old tales?
by DanielHaase indoes anyone ever remember hearing that white lion's song "when the children cry" was written after the singer read the "truth" book?
or all the wonderful stories about the demons attacking those who left "the truth"?
i remember many sleepless nights as a kid worried about the demons because i just haad watched a metallica video.....