I hope you did not read my post as dismissing your experience. Far from it - I took a lot of flack from elders, older sisters in the congregation (attempting to do their duty and "recall me to my sense"), and my (mentally unbalanced but VERY theocratic!) now ex-husband. At various times I was told that I should not breastfeed my babies "on demand" because they would manipulate me..."they know how to get their own way" apparently at less than 6 months old....should not pick up and hold my babies so often, lest I spoil them....should start spanking early (and often!) lest I become too soft on them....and on and on and on.
I chose to ignore most of this wise counsel, having looked long and hard at the results of the excellent childrearing practices being pushed on me LOL! It may have helped that I was not reared a JW, and grew up in the UK (albeit during a time when spanking was considered normal). I was aware of other children in our KH who were punished harshly and had unreasonable (considering their age and developmental stage) demands placed on them - but given the prevailing climate and the fact that some of the parents of these kids were elders did not feel able to intervene.
I feel a good deal of guilt over the years I spent subjecting my children to meetings, field service and assembly attendance. I resent the years that we lost to the borg, and am relieved that none of them has any interest in returning to the "fold". They see the hypocrisy and lack of love in the way that I was treated and the way their father is still considered a "fine theocratic brother"....