Everyone say hello to scorchio. I look forward to his very informative and insightful posts. And if his posts so far today are a good indication I know I will be well entertained.
Welcome, Welcome, Welcome.
everyone say hello to scorchio.
i look forward to his very informative and insightful posts.
and if his posts so far today are a good indication i know i will be well entertained.
Everyone say hello to scorchio. I look forward to his very informative and insightful posts. And if his posts so far today are a good indication I know I will be well entertained.
Welcome, Welcome, Welcome.
i knew a number of elder's wives that were nuts.
one in particular used to talk to herself regularly.
odd in a very good way!!
i knew a number of elder's wives that were nuts.
one in particular used to talk to herself regularly.
I struggle to think of any JW's I knew growing up that today I would consider fairly normal. I'm not saying they weren't nice people, but I think alot of them were odd or had problems. And I think that is a big attraction for religions like the JW's. It's a place to be accepted when you might not fit in out there in the real world.
having spent a couple of months in the world after a decade of devotion to the wt i have began to realise how hardly any of my friends have problems with illness.
it dawned on me a while ago that many, many witnesses have problems with health in one way or another.
how many times did you go to the hall and ask someone how they were doing to be told, 'oh, just struggling on', or 'i have`nt been too great' or 'i`m feeling a bit low just now'.
There was an almost epidemic like diagnosis of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and/or Fibromyalgia in the circuit when I was younger amongst the women.
someone just told me that her jw husband had never taken an iq test and said he never would.
so i sent her this e-mail saying that he must have received this "new light" from the latest watchtower.....she had a good laugh.
disclaimer: i really have no idea what acts 21:3,4 say.. "intelligient quotient tests are very popular "in the world".
Someone just told me that her JW husband had never taken an IQ test and said he never would. So I sent her this e-mail saying that he must have received this "new light" from the latest Watchtower.....she had a good laugh. Disclaimer: I really have no idea what Acts 21:3,4 say.
"Intelligient Quotient tests are very popular "in the world". They seek to present some fellow humans as being superior to others. In Paul's letter to the early Christians he admonished the congregation "do not be puffing yourselves up like a peacock or some other big animal that has very pretty and colorful feathers". (Acts 21:3,4). While there is nothing scriptually wrong with wanting to test or even improve your intelligence, would it be kind and loving to stumble your brother by making him think that he is just a stupid dumb ass? "
last night i experienced a first!
i had a dream about a member of this board who has posted his photo.
in the dream he was visiting from overseas and i was showing him the touristy things in this area.
If it was slugga I TOTALLY understand!!!
this is one of the things that saddens me greatly.
those of us who were raised as witnesses missed out on all the magic associated with being a child experiencing a holiday.
we will never know the great anticipation of santa claus, the wonder of having the tooth fairy visit us in the night, the excitement of hunting for easter eggs, dressing up to trick or treat, etc.
There are many worse things that happened to me as a JW child. But my purpose in starting this thread is because I was genuinely interested in the comments of the fine folks on this thread concerning just the holidays.
this is one of the things that saddens me greatly.
those of us who were raised as witnesses missed out on all the magic associated with being a child experiencing a holiday.
we will never know the great anticipation of santa claus, the wonder of having the tooth fairy visit us in the night, the excitement of hunting for easter eggs, dressing up to trick or treat, etc.
Ellie, oh believe me I'm like a kid at x-mas. I think it's magical and I act about six years old. I even left milk and cookies out for Santa a couple years ago and when I woke up in the morning they were gone!!!! Bless my husband's little heart, he really is good to me about it. He tries to make it extra special to make up for everything I missed out on as a kid.
In fact, just last year I officially began to believe in Santa Claus. LOL! I just wish I knew what it would have felt like to really believe in him.
this is one of the things that saddens me greatly.
those of us who were raised as witnesses missed out on all the magic associated with being a child experiencing a holiday.
we will never know the great anticipation of santa claus, the wonder of having the tooth fairy visit us in the night, the excitement of hunting for easter eggs, dressing up to trick or treat, etc.
This is one of the things that saddens me greatly. Those of us who were raised as Witnesses missed out on all the magic associated with being a child experiencing a holiday. We will never know the great anticipation of Santa Claus, the wonder of having the Tooth Fairy visit us in the night, the excitement of hunting for Easter eggs, dressing up to Trick or Treat, etc. I celebrate all the holidays now, and like a poster just commented in another thread I too am like a big kid about it. But I'm sure it's not the same as seeing it through the eyes of a child. And that is something we will never be able to recapture. This saddens me greatly.
(For those of you with children I'm sure it's rewarding for you to watch your own children have these experiences? Do you find that you go overboard with your kids to compensate for what you missed out on?)
I didn't put a Christmas tree the whole time I was single after I faded. But after I got married and we bought our first house we put up a tree. I stood back and let my husband decorate it because I simply didn't know how, having had no experience in this area. I could hardly go to bed the first night it was up. I just sat on the floor in front of it and was mesmirized. It was so beautiful. So then he decided to put lights on the house. Every day he would call me at work and say "I'm going to Walmart for more lights". I'd think he was crazy but every day I would get home and the house would look even more like a winter wonderland. It was so magical. So ever since then I've been hooked. A couple years ago I started putting up two trees because one JUST. WASN'T. ENOUGH!!!
i noticed that many different people have coped in many different ways, i believe this reflects the fact we all have left or been kick out for different reasons.
what have you done since leaving?
have you joined another church, are you athesitc?
I lovelovelove x-mas! I'm totally like a little kid. I love decorating the tree and every year I start earlier and earlier!
I'm totally with you on that one. I hate taking it down. I wish I could leave it up all year long. I also went trick or treating for my first time at the age of 34. Ok, so I used the excuse of taking my nephew. But I was in costume and I yelled "trick or treat" for the first time in my life. It was great! I'm thinking of pulling one of my own teeth so my husband can play Easter Bunny. Hmmmm, missing out on holidays..great idea for a new thread.