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No one has suggestion?
i will be renting out some property and want to run background checks before lease signing.. at the application stage i always get permission to run credit and background checks but i rarely ran them.. does anyone have suggestion for a good and reasonably-priced site to run the checks?
what experiences do you have with credit and background checks?
are they thorough and accurate?.
103 views; No comments.
No one has suggestion?
i will be renting out some property and want to run background checks before lease signing.. at the application stage i always get permission to run credit and background checks but i rarely ran them.. does anyone have suggestion for a good and reasonably-priced site to run the checks?
what experiences do you have with credit and background checks?
are they thorough and accurate?.
I will be renting out some property and want to run background checks before lease signing.
At the application stage I always get permission to run credit and background checks but I rarely ran them.
Does anyone have suggestion for a good and reasonably-priced site to run the checks?
What experiences do you have with credit and background checks? Are they thorough and accurate?
Any interesting history show up?
Mostly I'm looking for reputable sites to use. But always like a little side-story to go with it.
so i was df'd a couple weeks ago.
i live in a place where i didn't really have new friends at the kh, so my day to day life isn't changing.
i'm just me living life like i was 2 weeks ago and 2 years ago.
Jesus taught love.
Jesus did not shun.
Shunning is not a Christian trait.
You are welcoming your parents to your home. That is showing love and acceptance - even though you have different beliefs.
They choose to view you as dead and yet want your very live mouth and conscience to grant access to your daughter while they disrespect you in front of her. That is not love. It's twisted. And it's a perversion of Jesus' message. [Maybe not so much if they put Paul's words above Jesus, but then - WTF - it just opens more twisted perversions of 'truth'.]
We all know that JWs are usually under the misconception that any and all who DA or get DF'd, are rebellious and still believe that WTS/jw.org teaches truth. What do they *really* expect us to do when our own bible-trained consciences tell us that the WTS is *not* teaching the truth about Jesus? If we find the WTS is wrong, seriously... what are we supposed to do? We've already prayed, increased our service, increased our participation, researched - then restricted our research because old books are old light. When we've run ourselves ragged trying to reconcile unchristian teachings and beliefs withing in the org... *WHAT* would our active family members have us do? Live what we believe to be a lie? Fake it so it makes their lives easier?? Jehovah alone is the reader of hearts. Not man. Not elders. Not mom or dad. Jehovah. So let Jehovah himself work it out. If we, as thoughtful, responsible, adults are willing to trust that Jehovah will read our hearts and set things right, why can't our individual and respective family members?
[To be clear, I no longer believe in Jehovah, but when talking to my 2 active family members, I speak as if I do.]
It's a sad, sad situation. And it's getting more and more absurd.
-Aude. (with a nod to Elton John...)
hi guys... even from the google link for this site, i have been receiving this pop up:.
am cancelling out but wasn't sure why this was happening.
thought you should know..
Same thing happened to me last night when I clicked on page 5 or 6 of an active topic.
Happened three times on the same thread. Rather than 'open' or 'save', I closed my browser and went to bed.
I use Firefox.
yesterday, on the thread i started on 4/15/14, http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/jw/friends/279088/1/essay-by-barbara-anderson-whats-in-a-name#.u1e98jao7l9 that introduces a recent article i wrote which is posted on www.watchtowerdocuments.org , i thought i made an inaccurate statement in one of my posts about wt having a sign, jw.org, on the top of one of their buildings.
i was sure i had seen a photo of such a sign but couldn't prove it until last night when proof was sent to me in an email and the proof is to be found in the form of links to photos of the sign.
i was wrong in thinking the sign was on a wt factory building.
@jamiebowers - There was a good thread about that about a month or two ago. I'm pretty sure that jwfacts and besty both made comments on it. Also some other savvy internet search optimization experts.
Their collective answer is that a strong weight on google search is your own personal search history. It's not necessarily the primary factor, but it is very strong.
Also, a few people mentioned that from the platform, they heard that the org is pushing the *dot* as important in the search. "jw *DOT* org" is more likely to yield the wts at the top of list and jwn much further down.
Edit to add:Here are links to discussion about search results for JW.org
Here's an old thread on same topic of google search results:
so i was df'd a couple weeks ago.
i live in a place where i didn't really have new friends at the kh, so my day to day life isn't changing.
i'm just me living life like i was 2 weeks ago and 2 years ago.
Comatose - You were so very helpful to me when I had a family issue last year. I wish I could return the favor with splendid insight that would make your current situation easy.
Sadly, I cannot.
I tend agree with those that say it is more damaging a child to see their own parent treated with disdain - or worse, treated as if non-existent/dead.
I can tell you, though that some JW grandparents (even some that are prominent in the org) find a way to be civil to their DF siblings and have/maintain relationships with their grandchildren.
Sometimes it might lead to elders stepping 'aside'. Sometimes not.
Either way, it's a crappy deal for all involved. Damn Cult.
i am a newly unbaptised publisher.
recently i found out i need to have major surgery and the jw's tried to rush a blood card in my hand.
i was so relieved when the elders said i could not have one until i was baptised.. but they rushed to get me copies of the blood videos.
I was wondering about you... Glad to hear you've got your ducks lined up.
All the best for surgical success and swift healing!
just to share a little about me:.
i was recently appointed an elder, about 6 months ago now, and that is exactly two years after my awakenning, but funny that the appointment came also about 2 years after i had completely lost all faith in god and had been leading a full time anti-jw life .
makes you wonder the role of the holy spirit in the entire nomination or appointment process.. .
His ex wrote: As JWs we live in prison, and the worst inmates are those who know TTATT and cant get out
You are taking the arrogant, lazy route. You are not in prison. You are not an inmate. You are a psychopath who is abusing the 'flock'. You do not want to make the effort to leave and get a job that pays enough for you to support yourself. Millions and millions support themselves. I am one of them.
You *can* get out. Anybody can. There are consequences, but that is true with any decision we make.
You *choose* to stay. And worse, you choose to stay and add to the burden of those who feel they have a 'home' in the org. How dare you.
You are not excellent. You are an ass.
just to share a little about me:.
i was recently appointed an elder, about 6 months ago now, and that is exactly two years after my awakenning, but funny that the appointment came also about 2 years after i had completely lost all faith in god and had been leading a full time anti-jw life .
makes you wonder the role of the holy spirit in the entire nomination or appointment process.. .
His ex wrote: I am aware that no one contemplates suicide after public reprove
Seriously? You know for a fact that no one ever contemplates suicide after public reprove???
You are a self-deluded, pompous sociopath.
I was never publicly- (or privately-) reproved. Yet I was suicidal for the last 4 years of my being a witness.
How dare you suppose to know what people's true emotions are. You are acting recklessly. Your little game will destroy people, their families and their lives.
Still, you think it is all just grand fun.
The shoes. I had so many, many really cute shoes. Mostly 4-inch heals.