What's the downside? Seriously.
never was a jw, but been here long enough to have made some friends and respect opinions.. retired in 2004, lived in cyprus 2005-2010. back here in wales since then.. just back from a holiday in france (most recent of many).
love the country, the lifestyle, can get by in the language.. just seen an advert for a country estate (british-owned) they want someone to live on site, do a bit of handyman stuff, etc., look after (mainly brit) holiday visitors in return for zero rent (only utitlties).
family would be abe to come and stay for free.
What's the downside? Seriously.
dear brothers:.
we are writing as a follow-up to the letters dated january 24, 2014, and march 29, 2014,. to all congregations regarding the adjustments now underway to accelerate construction of king-.
dom halls and assembly halls.. .
Sounds like a creative plan to make it seem like they are 'forgiving' outstanding debts and then immediately ask for a bigger sale in the form of committment/pledge to send % increase each month - forever. It's a sales tactic to upsell.
They will likely leverage the immediate forgivance of the loan as a show of support from the WorldWideWork: "So, brothers, since we ourselves here in our beautifully remodeled Kingdom Hall here in Podunk USA, have received this loving blessing from Jehovah, are we not moved to contribute even more to this provision from the GB? Let us then resolve in our hearts - and on paper - to contribute 15%, or more! above what we have been paying. (or, better yet, just an extra $10 per publisher which is only 2 Frappacino's per month.) We receive so many, many blessings from being part of the WorldWide Brotherhood. We must remember that - as with most privileges - we are sometimes called upon to contribute back so other can likewise benefit." [Read scripture that says: 'You received free, so give free.']
Of course, with the new directive to get pledges, there is no mention/reminder that the recent remodel likely resulted in a transfer of ownership from local elders/cong members to WTS Headquarters (or one of their many, many subsidiaries). There is no accounting for just where the funds are going. My guess is that most of these projects will be outside of the US, and therefore less 'traceable' by the sheeples contributing the most money. The wealthier nations probably had the most builds and remodels in the past 25-30 years. (And I believe WTS took ownership of most of the buildings at the time of the construction project.) So now it's time for the cong buildings in these weathy nations to subsidize the buildings in the poorer countries.
Anyone wanna bet that the 'projects, projects, projects' are remodels with volunteer labor? And the supplies in poorer countries are much cheaper than developed lands. Yet the WTS wants *more* money than what they've been getting. Also wanna bet that they will report on about a half dozen 'projects' that start withing the next year but then not much else once the initial excitement dies down.
I'm guessing if an accounting is ever done on where the funds contributed for the WorldWideWork go and have gone, by *FAR*, the most goes to lawsuits and settlements.
Aren't charities required to provide a public accounting of their donated funds? If not, it should be a requirement to maintain their tax-exempt status.
WTS is not the only shady tax-exempt corporation. But is sure is one of the scammiest.
a few yrs ago i posted about my daughter in law ........ http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/jw/friends/202817/1/happy-and-nervous-for-my-daughter-in-law#.u2uf91fli-0.
she has been such an inspiration .
she has studied hard and next week will be recieving her associates of science degree with honors !
Wow!! Brought tears to my eyes, too.
Congrats to D-I-L. Thank you for sharing this small-but-insightful part of her story with us.
leaving the university with my degree!.
exams are finished and it's just a matter of days before i walk.. i was certainly stressed about doing this.
i'm older than my classmates and armageddon was sooooo close!
Congrats~!! You *do* rock~!!!!
i have been thinking of a simple one liner to use when challenged as to why i dont seem to be an "active / good" witness.... "i no longer wish to be considered as 'bloodguilty' thanks" and leave it at that.. if said in a dignified, (not in a smart arse way), then i think this may make people see that my desicion is a sound one based on logic and not emotion..... thoughts?.
I think most of understand the 'bloodguilt' concept, but, in my mind, when I finally up and walked out of my last meeting, I had a different stance.
At the time, I thought the org was Jehovah's channel on earth and his people but that they were headed down a wrong path (ie: Child Abuse, pedophelia, etc). I felt that to sit quietly in my chair at the hall was to be complicit with the org. My conscience would not allow me to stay there. So I got up and said a short and silent prayer as I walked out the door in the middle of the public talk. "Jehovah, you know better than I do why I can't stay here."
I tried to recall an incident from the Bible when Moses was taking too long receiving the 10 Commandments and the Israelites started worshipping the golden calf. Weren't there some individuals that separated themselves from the rest even though their elders condoned the activity? Maybe I imagined that scenario. Maybe I had heard speculation along the way.
Now the scripture that comes closest to what I was feeling back in the weeks leading up to my Sunday departure is: 'Get out of her, my people, if you do not want to share with her in her sins, or receive any of her plagues.'
Regardless, that is how I felt. I needed to separate myself from the errant heart and not plead ignorance or subjugation to wayward shephards. I did not go anywhere. I was a walk-away believer - until I really got see and learn what was really happening.
But of course, I could not tell any JW about my thoughts or feelings so I just silently slipped out the door.
So rather than fear of 'bloodguilt', I was my moral obligation and my personal accountablilty to Jehovah (as I believed him to be back then) to be steadfast in my dedication (pre 1985) that led me out.
13 years later I stumbled on Freeminds and JWD/JWN and my world changed.
-Aude Sapere (meaning: Dare to Know; Dare to Have Wisdom/Understanding; Dare to Think for Yourself)
last month a british teacher was tragically stabbed to death in the classroom.
today a member of my extended jw family posts this; check out his 'liked' comment.. .
where do you even begin .
JW's just don't see that the Armageddon they so keenly await is the biggest, most violent assault on humans EVER. The ignore the violent aspect and just see a shiny new paradise on the other side.
I don't think they see Armageddon victims as real people. More just pawns, maybe. Collateral damage, along with skyscrapers and factories.
It's a truly perverted world view.
recently had a discussion with a surgeon who said jw parents "usually" (her word, not mine) privately say they will take blood if the provider gets a court order.. yet another person, with no connection to dubs and no motive to make this up, saying this same thing.
interesting.. i'm surprised the thought police have not come out with an article saying jehoopla reads the hearts and judges as bloodguilty those who are relieved when forced to take blood..
@Postate - I that encouragement was under the same governing regime that existed *before* the more progressive one that allowed for fractions.
I could be wrong, but the timing feels somewhat right... (?)
i know this might be overreacting, and i have not said a peep about it to my kids or anyone else... .
last week, my kids wanted to call my mom during the day.
on her last visit, they had talked about calling her on her day off at home.
I don't think you mom necessarily tried to plant seeds, but since calamity is how they view the world, it's what comes up naturally when they discuss anything - even the weather.
Which brings up a good point. I have a tendency to do the same. It's not until I'm half way into the report that I realize I'm focusing on the negative things. My brothers tease me about it. I am overall an optimistic person by my 'reports' seem to be more tragic than hopeful. Hmmmm. Food for my own thoughts here...
shower room.
games room.
My first thought: Beth Sarim - all over again.
she has had 42 years of training and indoctrination.
i'm feeling sort of nervous, but also looking forward to it.
this will be our second scheduled session together, and we never did agree on a topic.. i'm assuming she will come with an agenda and another prepared presentation.
FW wrote: "... and I picked up my pen. She gasped. "Don't quote me on that! ..."
LOL That made me really laugh out loud!
Classic. Talk for hours. Knock on neighbors doors for decades. Turn in reports with data and stats of all the witnessing she does. But... OMG~!! Don't quote her~!!! LOL
Funny people.