I think most of understand the 'bloodguilt' concept, but, in my mind, when I finally up and walked out of my last meeting, I had a different stance.
At the time, I thought the org was Jehovah's channel on earth and his people but that they were headed down a wrong path (ie: Child Abuse, pedophelia, etc). I felt that to sit quietly in my chair at the hall was to be complicit with the org. My conscience would not allow me to stay there. So I got up and said a short and silent prayer as I walked out the door in the middle of the public talk. "Jehovah, you know better than I do why I can't stay here."
I tried to recall an incident from the Bible when Moses was taking too long receiving the 10 Commandments and the Israelites started worshipping the golden calf. Weren't there some individuals that separated themselves from the rest even though their elders condoned the activity? Maybe I imagined that scenario. Maybe I had heard speculation along the way.
Now the scripture that comes closest to what I was feeling back in the weeks leading up to my Sunday departure is: 'Get out of her, my people, if you do not want to share with her in her sins, or receive any of her plagues.'
Regardless, that is how I felt. I needed to separate myself from the errant heart and not plead ignorance or subjugation to wayward shephards. I did not go anywhere. I was a walk-away believer - until I really got see and learn what was really happening.
But of course, I could not tell any JW about my thoughts or feelings so I just silently slipped out the door.
So rather than fear of 'bloodguilt', I was my moral obligation and my personal accountablilty to Jehovah (as I believed him to be back then) to be steadfast in my dedication (pre 1985) that led me out.
13 years later I stumbled on Freeminds and JWD/JWN and my world changed.
-Aude Sapere (meaning: Dare to Know; Dare to Have Wisdom/Understanding; Dare to Think for Yourself)