That's a very reasonable schedule.
I stumbled on a near-perfect fade while, ironically, trying to maintain my faith in the JW org.
I knew some things were 'off' in my own cong so I started visiting a couple of neighboring congs. Also, my family attended a hall about 30 minutes away so I would visit there pretty often. It got to the point where people assumed I was attending elsewhere and stopped asking me where I'd been. When they asked "were you at the XYZ hall last week" I would just say 'yes'. The fact that it was 2 weeks ago and I had skipped the past 3 meetings altogether were not their business.
It also helped that I had moved out of territory several years earlier.
I've moved again, no one knows where I live now. My home and cell phone numbers have changed and my publisher record card has probably crumpled in the back of the box.