From 2005, a bunch of details:
From 2008, Mosche Calls Charles Sinutko:
does anyone have any news about charles sinutko, who give the infamous "stay alive till '75" talk?
forty years have passed since then, so is he still alive and still with the watchtower?
anyone heard anything?.
From 2005, a bunch of details:
From 2008, Mosche Calls Charles Sinutko:
so it has been quite a while since i've last been on this site.
the jist of my story is that about 5 years ago, i started a research journey that took me 2 1/2 years to complete.
against the advice of this board, i decided to show my wife because i mistakenly thought she valued truth.
@outsmartthesystem - I just sent you a pm. Thanks!
so it has been quite a while since i've last been on this site.
the jist of my story is that about 5 years ago, i started a research journey that took me 2 1/2 years to complete.
against the advice of this board, i decided to show my wife because i mistakenly thought she valued truth.
Thanks for sharing this. I remember you from back then. It's always so nice to get the epilogue to the story.
[Edited: I see that you already offered to share the document(s). Thank you!]
watchtower never learns.. i applaud dr. singh for speaking out and his open letter to watchtower.
Brokeback Watchtower asked: But isn't their a collection of misquotes from the WT corporations printed material some where on the internet for all to see to show how chronically this printing corporation been in their intellectual dishonesty which seems to hold no limits.
Here are links to some old JWD/N threads:
ok - here is your task for the day:.
go to and find their information email address.
then find their weekend support desk phone number.. there is a link at the bottom of many pages that says [ ] email link.
They are all out in field service, too busy to deal with email...~!!
Too freaking funny, though. They are serious about finding interested ones, you would think they would make it easier to via the website and phone. How hard is it to have round the clock coverage?? They have how many million people in the US spending money on gas and knocking on people's doors who have zero interest. How many people at bethel in the US? I cannot be that tough to have better phone and email management.
Pretty funny that actual interested ones end up find xjw's way easier than active & corporate JWs.
im not an attorney and i could not record the hearing, so please forgive me if i make mistakes in relating what i remember of the oral argument hearing for jane doe (i.e., candace conti) versus the watchtower bible & tract society on january 14, 2015 and the length of this post.. i arrived at the civic center/union plaza in san francisco, ca about 7:30. the area is very nice with a few homeless people sleeping in the park across from the courthouse.
it took me about 10 minutes to find the clerks office for the court on the first floor, which opened at 8:00.. once the clerks office opened, the two clerks who i talked with were very polite and helpful.
the arguments for jane doe (i.e., candace conti) versus the watchtower bible & tract society were scheduled 5th out of (i think) 8. while i was in the office a cameraman and another person for nbc arrived asking about the hearing for candace contis case.. the courtroom for the 1st appellate court is on the 4th floor and takes up most of that floor.
Thank you for this first-hand report.
i was in the house with her for all of the last week of her life.
she went quietly and peacefully and had people that cared a lot for her around at the end.
she and dad touched a lot of lives in very positive ways.
You had very special parents. Sorry to learn of your loss.
it's just like i've had the wind taken out of my sails after seeing this..
I clicked the link but got this message:
This video contains content from Discovery Communications, who has blocked it in your country on copyright grounds.
I'm in USA. Guess we cannot see it here. Can you provide synopsis for us?
see last item:.
"media request to record/broadcast oral argument; from abc news new york".
A poster (Chaserious) on another thread gave the address (because it is not clear from the link in to OP).
It seems that the address for this court hearing is:
1st District Court of Appeal
350 McAllister Street, San Francisco, CA 94102
12/19/2014order filed.
upon due consideration, the media request of applicant abc news to make a video recording of oral argument in the above-referenced appeal is granted.
@Chaserious - Thanks. SanFrancisco is a little far from me. But not impossible.