recovering wrote: I would like to have the youtube link please
Please see the 2nd post on page one of this thread. Immediately following the OP, the next post gives the YouTube link.
the report about child abuse and jehovah's witnesses is now live.. jehovah's witnesses handle child abuse cases.
jehovah's witnesses and child sexual abuse, the report - bbc radio 4 .
recovering wrote: I would like to have the youtube link please
Please see the 2nd post on page one of this thread. Immediately following the OP, the next post gives the YouTube link.
im going by memory, so not an exact quote...i believe this was around 2002, at the crownsville assembly hall (now sold from what i understand)..
he said basically: some people watch an hour show and give up the faith that theyve had for decades..
the impact of this show was like a canon being shot into a swimming pool.
I had been inactive for a decade as a walk-away believer, but the story rang so true to me even then. A very important component that led to me becoming more 'Awake' to the workings of the organization.
Thank you for re-posting the video.
PS: Funny how the word 'organization' now makes me bristle when used in conjunction in a spiritual connotation. The JWs have many of the right words for how they run their Business. Somehow, we were all programmed to see those (secular) business words as special, favored religious concepts.
the report about child abuse and jehovah's witnesses is now live.. jehovah's witnesses handle child abuse cases.
jehovah's witnesses and child sexual abuse, the report - bbc radio 4 .
This was a great report. I was able to listen to the first link direct from BBC that Barbara posted.
This report can easily be shared with JWs. Especially the BBC link.
There are a few people I want to send this to.
a young sister in my husband's congregation who is the daughter of an elder has been reinstated in a matter of months.
whereas another sister in the same congregation has been disfellowshipped now for nearly two years!.
seems like it's who you know..
Funny how that works.
I know a woman - baptized daughter of a well-liked elder - left her (ministerial servant?) husband for someone else that she ultimately married (pretty quickly). This was 20-30 years ago. No DF, no public announcement, no nothing.
Funny how that worked out, too...
i just found this website and im so glad because for the first time in a long time i dont feel alone...i am a born in and in the last two years have been struggling because i thought that i was the problem and i was the reason for not feeling any love from and for the other pubs .i want to leave the org but have no idea how to tell my mother(who is a faithful jw).
@ goingthruthemotions: ["...sounds like a trol to me...] So what? Does it really matter?? This is an extremely pertinent topic for *MANY* minors who are brave enough to peruse the internet and learn the story BEHIND the story that they are presented at their local Kingdom Hall. I think we need a new post on this topic every day so it's easy for others to see that they are not alone.
Why make a fuss??
i just found this website and im so glad because for the first time in a long time i dont feel alone...i am a born in and in the last two years have been struggling because i thought that i was the problem and i was the reason for not feeling any love from and for the other pubs .i want to leave the org but have no idea how to tell my mother(who is a faithful jw).
My best advice (especially since there is just the one post from you), is to not say anything to your mom just yet. Take your time. There is really no need to rush anything.
Be respectful to her - especially if you are still living in 'her' house...!
Regardless of what you ultimately decide to do with the JW's, get a good education - as much as you can - and start saving your money. If you can both work and go school and still have your parent(s) support you, do it for now.
Solid education and a healthy savings account will be the two best things you can do for yourself. They will have long-lasting benefits. Especially with no 'New System' around the corner.
Congrats on figuring it out at a young age.
I look forward to hearing more from you.
-Aude Sapere (meaning: Dare to Know; Dare to Have Wisdom/Understanding; Dare to Think for Yourself.)
does anyone in socal or london kentucky-area know this person (m!ch@el g0etze)?
anyone know how to contact him?
just a hunch, but i'm betting he needs a kind and patient listening ear..
Shirley wrote: "...means his flight had to stop in NY, but that wasn't enough,..."
I thought similar, but then I read a different article (from Kentucky newspaper), and realized that he was from London *Kentucky*. That makes the trip driveable by car/van. I tried to edit the title of this post, but could not.
Shirley wrote: Sounds like he probably got fed up with da troof and had to get the heck outta Dodge .
I thought same exact thing.
does anyone in socal or london kentucky-area know this person (m!ch@el g0etze)?
anyone know how to contact him?
just a hunch, but i'm betting he needs a kind and patient listening ear..
Does anyone in SoCal or London Kentucky-Area know this person (M!ch@el G0ETZE)? Anyone know how to contact him? Just a hunch, but I'm betting he needs a kind and patient listening ear.
it's bad enough that jws waste valuable, life-saving minutes getting coffee, but now this happens....
so many dubs work at starbucks!
this is a dangerous situation that must be from satan!
My sister's company offers tuition reimbursement. I was so happy for her! She refuses to take advantage of the opportunity. That WT education is really all she needs or desires.
when i was reading the new 2015 shepherding textbook, i saw some references to the past watchtower and awake magazines like the 1960`s to the 1999 issues and the past kingdom ministries and some other past books.
and there was a link that someone in this forum sent which was the 2014 watchtower library compact disc rom, but it was hard for me to download them because it was asking me for a flash drive, and i don't have any flash drive.
and i know it is only from this forum that i can get it because i cannot read those past articles in the watchtower online library because all the publications starts from the year 2000 to 2015. so i wish someone from this forum can send a link that is easier to download so that i can read those watchtowers and awake magazines please.
Collins wrote: { I AM NOT YELLING.}
Well... Yes. You are. When you are on a discussion board (like this one) and you type in all caps, it's equivalent to yelling.
You seem extremely demanding of people here to do your research for you. It takes ALL of us time to look things up. Your (very few) posts give the impression that you believe your time is more valuable than ours. Also, you have given no indication of the subject matter of these letters (might make it easier to search??, might be interesting to those of us who took the time to even read your oafish posts...??), no inclusion into why the letters might be important to you, and absolutely ZERO information about yourself, your thoughts, your history with JWs, or anything.
Just a bunch of demands.
My guess is you are self-important elder who knows he should not be on this site, but feels he can bully his way around.
Maybe consider using the word 'Please' when demanding people to drop everything to do research - or anything else, for that matter - for you.
-Aude Sapere (meaning: Dare to Know; Dare to Have Wisdom/Understanding; Dare to Think for Yourself)