Mad Irishman wrote: To set things a little clearer. The national average in the U.S. for children who are molested is 26%. This comes from the CDC.
Using the commission's numbers of 1,006 reported cases of kids who were molested that comes out to 0.6 percent. So let's say we triple that for all the cases not reported and you would come out to 1.8 percent of Witness kids who were molested.
I am not convinced that you are comparing like-for-like.
You state that the National Average for *US* children who are molested is 26%. [That would be about 1 in every 4 children. But the year(s) referenced is not provided. And this statistic is for The United States.]
The commissions number of 1006 reported cases of kids who were molested that comes out to 0.6 percent...
My question is: .06 percent of WHAT? All Australian children?? Or just the number of children within the JW community. Whichever answer, what is the total # of children being referenced? That will help give us the proper percentage number. And again, the time references for the # of children should align with the time reference for the documented-yet-unreported-to-government-authorities claims that now been disclosed.
Please clarify.