JoinedPosts by AudeSapere
by Nicholaus Kopernicus inthe disdain which the wtbts / gbojw has for higher education is well known among jw's and jw dissenters.
the specious rationale for such disdain is also well known.
however, it is a fact that there is no scriptural authority for..... a) prohibiting education at any level for another person.
Nice. I like the reasoning in this post. Thank you. -
Time to Spill my Guts
by Hadriel inbeen lurking around here for several weeks.
posted once or twice but not too much.
i'm a covert fade at the moment.
nowwhat wrote: Get the kids involved in the school sports teams .that helps alot in the transition.
... and/or music, and/or drama club, and/or any other extra-curricular activity they choose.
Seriously. Encourage this starting now.
Then start encouraging them to go to college - even a local Community/Junior College.
Start planning other family things to do on Saturdays and Sundays. Enough so they start missing Saturday Field Service one weekend and a Sunday meeting another weekend. The less JW-related activities they do, and the more 'normal' activities you provide for them, the better they will be able to start using their own critical thinking skills. At the very least, they will have better experiences to look back on than most of us who grew in staunch JW households.
Nice introductory post! Thanks for sharing.
I was a walk-away believer (got up in the middle of a Sunday talk because I felt a huge sense of hypocrisy from the platform and felt I was complicit with badness by sitting silent in my seat). I always thought that at some point in the future, the org would correct its' errant path and I would return at that time. Instead, 13 years later, I found Freeminds (Randy Waters' site) and JWN (This Site, owned and ran by Simon and Angharrad Green).
From this site (and Ray Franz's book Crisis of Conscience) THREE things convinced me the the JW organization would never right their wrong paths:
1. 607
2. Mexico/Malawi
These three things were deal-breakers for me. Grateful to learn "The Truth about the 'Truth'". Life is MUCH happier and much more precious with this important knowledge.
-Aude Sapere. (meaning: Dare to Know; Dare to Have Wisdom/Understanding; Dare to Think for Yourself.)
Three very dangerous men escaped from a high security prison in Argentina because guard, a JW, had no guns
by ILoveTTATT2 inif you want to read up on the background of this, read this first: convicts of this crime escaped from a high security prison in argentina because the guard, a jw, had no are the news sites that mention this: am copying part of the article and translating to english:triple crimen: la insolita justificacion del guardiacarcel sin armatriple crime: the unbelievable justification of the prison guard without a weapon.
los hermanos lanatta y schilacci se fugaron del penal de alvear sin mayores resistenciasthe lanatta brothers and schilacci escaped from the alvear prison without major resistancebuenos aires.- pasan las horas y cada vez aparecen argumentos increibles para las serias medidas de seguridad que supone un penal de maxima detencion.
ahora se filtro la insolita justificacion delguardiacarcel reducido por los condenados por eltriple crimen, los hermanos lanatta y victor schilacci, para fugarse de la carcel: no tenia armas porque es testigo de jeova y la religion le impide la portacion de las mismas.
What can be said? It was absurd that he could be assigned to a position for which he would refuse to fulfill.
Who lets this happen? How dare the witness even accept the job knowing full well he would deliver sub-par performance.
Makes me angry.
by Scully inmajor canadian tv show to discuss jw child
abuse scandal
this is to alert the jw world that a major tv documentary is set to go in canada on the jw child sex abuse issue.
Talesin wrote: I hope it's not blocked for int'l viewing!
Thanks for posting the link! It's working for me here in California. Seems it has been posted to YouTube by KimMikey.
Video Ads Now Playing on JWN?
by AudeSapere inis there a way to stop the advertisement videos that play when i am reading a thread?.
i don't remember this happening until this afternoon.
there is no 'pause' or 'stop' button to grab so i can silence the video and it slows down my system.. i don't mind static ads but the videos create stress on my computer system - and me!.
@Simon - Thank you. I went to google and changed my settings. The problem seems resolved.
Thank you!
Experience from AJWRB's Facebook page
by Lee Elder ininteresting experience reported by this former jw on blood shows the deep and lasting impact of the wts campaign of indoctrination and misinformation.
it also shows that people can be and are being helped.
"hi everyone at ajwrb.
It's so important to critically review the reality of blood transfusion and to logically debunk the org's directives.
Best to do this BEFORE we find ourselves in a crisis situation.
Thank you, Lee, for sharing this.
Going Clear- Scientology- Movie made this year
by truthlover inon tonight -- many of the leaders and co horts of david miscavidge on tonight who have left the organization.. it is scary how close they are to the jw's with the exception of the volcano episode and that we are "thetans",.... they hold out a carrot for each level of progression on the "ladder" - to immortality, telling all they will live forever in a peaceful, beautiful world- and of course, each step on the ladder means thousands of dollars and volunteers make 30 cents a day working on all their projects.
they fought for tax exemption as a religious organization, started by hubbard, who at level 8- the highest on the ladder - tells his thetans they are out of a spaced out world -- it is terrifying -- and they are supposed to be able to read minds, levitate things, others in the org are scared of them.... but the org are buying properties all over the world as a benefit for their thetahs" to show their good the irs - building a massive real estate empire with publishing and volunteer labour...... watch it if you can.... .
sound familiar - .
What station is airing this?
Should I send my condolence?
by James Mixon ini was really close to this family, it's.
been over 20 years since i saw them last.
but the husband an elder in his 70's .
When in doubt, be kind. I believe it is an act of human kindness to reach out to a person who has lost someone in death.
Let them know you are alive and doing well. And that you remember them fondly.
Just don't let them guilt you into anything. Keep it kind and loving. Remember the love that was shown you.
Video Ads Now Playing on JWN?
by AudeSapere inis there a way to stop the advertisement videos that play when i am reading a thread?.
i don't remember this happening until this afternoon.
there is no 'pause' or 'stop' button to grab so i can silence the video and it slows down my system.. i don't mind static ads but the videos create stress on my computer system - and me!.
Is there a way to stop the advertisement videos that play when I am reading a thread?
I don't remember this happening until this afternoon. There is no 'pause' or 'stop' button to grab so I can silence the video and it slows down my system.
I don't mind static ads but the videos create stress on my computer system - and me!
Help, please.
Being positively recognized
by menrov inhi, for over a year, i stopped attending meeting and field service.
actually, passively disassociated from the congregation.
but i did not stop reading and doing my own research.
Hyacinth - Welcome to JWN~! I'm glad you found us and even gladder to hear a bit of your story.
I had an experience that played a very small roll in my awakening when I was pioneering. After about a year of regular pioneering, a friend/coworker commented that usually, for most people, when they become more involved in their church, they become MORE kind, loving, easy-going, etc. But, he noted, that wasn't happening for me - at all.
I was taken aback, slightly offended, and felt a little guilty that people were not seeing the 'fruitage of the spirit' in me and thus I was maybe bringing small reproach on Jehovah's name.
I felt there was noone for me to talk to about this change in my personality so the comment just hung in my head and festered.
I am so much happier now. Less stressed. Less worried about the future.
AudeSapere (meaning: Dare to Know; Dare to Have Wisdom/Understanding; Dare to Think for Yourself)