I just stumbled on a link to the full-length (just under 15minutes) video:
this video will be played at one of the clam meetings in march 2016.. the content is kind of old news because it is a recut version of a previous video produced for the elder's school.
however, it's still significant because it shows that the organization still has dissenting brothers in positions of leadership.. my thanks to the leaker.
feel free to claim credit here.
I just stumbled on a link to the full-length (just under 15minutes) video:
i may be on a diatribe now but something has came back to me tonight.. during my studies i was always told that "silence is compliance".
this would come up whilst i was 'putting on the new personality'.
i would be reminded of possible social situations or associations where if my integrity was at all compromised by someone else's standards -my silence to their un-christian actions would be deemed as compliance.
Listener quoted ARC: 418 Mr Toole should accordingly be referred to the Law Society of New South Wales for possible investigation.
Thank you for the reference.
That comment states that he 'should' be referred for possible investigation. Not that it has necessarily happened yet.
But I trust that the ARC gets done what needs to get done.
Thank you again.
i was vis it in a kh last night and i just thought i try something new.
when amen was said i bolted out hall low and behold there was anot her poor soul just ahead of me so since he did not know me but i knew he was df i said a greeting to him he seemed greatabsolutely shocked and horrified thst i was speaking to him he acknowledged my greeting and scurried off in t i the night it was a great moment for humankind..
I love that you broke the 'rules' to reach out to this isolated person.
Just a reminder, though, to you and others who think to emulate... Especially in the KH setting, it might set the person back on their reinstatement process if they do not quickly get away from you.
hi i'm new.. i'm going on 2yrs as a baptized witness although i've just received a reproval on the grounds of living with a wordly man unmarried for 6 months.
long story short it ended messy and i ran straight back to the witnesses because i do love jehovah and i missed my family.
my issues were only with the actual organization.. i desperately want to find someone to share my world with but i feel like i'm too tainted to be loved by anyone worthy in the truth and my morals are to high to love another boy from the world.
Welcome RawrSaysTheLion! It's nice to have you join us and even nicer that you chose to participate in a discussion. Stick around. You will find some great insight - and good challenges to your thinking. You are very, very welcome here.
@Divergent - Your post looks like it was a 'cut and paste' of an article. Can you please cite the source for reference? [If it's your own composition, please claim it~!]
-AudeSapere (meaning: Dare to Know; Dare to Have Wisdom/Understanding; Dare to Think for Yourself)
this video will be played at one of the clam meetings in march 2016.. the content is kind of old news because it is a recut version of a previous video produced for the elder's school.
however, it's still significant because it shows that the organization still has dissenting brothers in positions of leadership.. my thanks to the leaker.
feel free to claim credit here.
I've seen this video three times now. And it's bothering me. Aside from the other comments here, it just struck me now how much better this scene could have played out if the elders had even just thought to do something for her - other than read a few tired-old scriptures.
I was in a counselling session (dealing with JW parent issues and suicide ideations) when my paid therapist noticed that one of the buttons on my jacket was dangling. She offered to sew it back on for me. I declined. But she insisted.
She had me keep talking about whatever it was we were talking about in the session and she told me to just ignore what she was doing with the needle and thread and button.
She wanted me to know what it was like to have someone take care of my very simple need. It felt strange. But was powerfully comforting.
So while it was nice for the elders to visit 'Mary', how much more powerful and supportive would it have been if they showed up with some soup to share with her instead of expecting her to serve THEM?
Or coffee, or a sandwich.
Joe134 wrote: Vincent tool was reported to the law society for misconduct for not advising people to report sex abuse to the authorities. I don't know if he has lost his registration.
Really? How do you know this? It's the first I've heard this status.
i was reading this article until i got to the part where they were said to be jws.
what a shock!
in the last few weeks it seems that instead of one or two new posters a week we seem to be getting several every day.
many seem to be long time jw's who are troubled by the path of the organisation.
this is really encouraging to those of us who have been here sometime.. welcome!
2 Halls locally are packed...
Might that also be an effect of closing/selling other local hall(s). I thought part of the reason for selling halls was to consolidate, thus making greater use of the halls they keep.
Just a thought.
"This video has been removed by the user."