It's outrageous. It's 'in your face'. It goes right over most JWs heads. It reinforces JW perception that XJW's are crazy. To the average JW, it sounds absurd. It reinforces JW persecution complex.
It feels wrong.
But I'm also certain it gets some JWs talking.
Or a least thinking.
And maybe that's a start.
But I think they are talking more about the actions and the disruption rather than the actual message.
It feels wrong and disrespectful to invade and disrupt religious services.
But JWs for so many years said they are not a religion. And they said their places of worship are not churches. And for over 100 years they run their organization like a business. A non-charitable, tax-exempt business with a religious fairy-tale message.
And the Jehovah's Witness organization does invade and disrupt and break-up families. [Just ask anyone who has observed the recruitment and indoctrination of a family member.]
But the average JW does not really perceive it this way.
In the minds of the JWs watching the 'outbursts', the disruptive nature of these KH stormings would validate the shunning (and disfellowshipping) of the participants.
The kids or others who may already be seeing cracks in the organization and those starting to wake up may be the only ones who take note. But I would assume that they don't want to be aligned with what they perceive as unhinged, raging, mentally-diseased, demon-possessed activists.And yet...
We learned to 'Preach with Boldness' at our KingdomHalls.
These activists learned their lessons while in their seats at the Hall and in Field Service.
This activism feels wrong. But it also feels very right, in a weird sort of way.
Maybe business cards with links to a few select clips of the ARC (or a 20-min video of ARC highlights and a link to the full 8-10 days testimony of the ARC) and
I would love to see links to print out the XJW convention brochure from 10 years (?) ago, the Funny Money, and the new brochure that was featured at the Warwick protest march last fall. These printed items can be left around town by those of us who for a very wide variety of reasons cannot or will not join the 'in-your-face' team. We can feed the information to the general public who can then have a topic of conversation to start with any JW they come in contact with.
The printed pieces can begin specifically ask the recipient to discuss this info with any JW they meet.
Just a few thoughts as I watch these YouTube videos.
The CTV program that aired last week (?) was sooo well done. And I thought nicely explained why some feel the need to storm KingdomHalls. Time will tell how much of an effect it has on the average JW.