On this page...
Debra wrote: "...every few months he takes off to Thailand to cheat on his wife with prostitutes with your patreons donations, no it's not gossip no it's not lies,..."
This statement is not correct.
So, in practicality, this statement is a lie.
Please everyone, we need to keep our facts straight.
Lloyd did *not* admit to going to Thailand every few months.
In fact, if I recall correctly, he admitted to just *ONE* trip to Thailand [to cheat on his wife with a 'girlfriend' who is a sex-worker].
What he admitted to on the infamous video - that he says he was forced to do (because Kim S made a statement about him) - was visit sex-workers every few months for the past several years.
The assumption at the time by people watching the video was that the sex-workers were located in Croatia, possibly also some in England, and maybe, just maybe a time in Texas. And, of course, that one infamous time in Thailand during Christmas and NewYear's Eve 2021.
When repeating details that are not favorable to someone (ie: Lloyd) or something (ie: Watchtower.Org) it's really important to not exaggerate or assume that you have the correct details.
When mis-statements are presented as truth but the facts show something different - it gives the subject of the mis-statement something to latch on to and claim 'LIAR!', 'SLANDERER!!', "LIABLER!!!'
We all know Lloyd cannot let anything go unchallenged.
Please don't give him more fuel by presenting exaggerations as fact.
Best to be careful and double check - triple check - the source documents/actual video.
Edit to add:
"...this year alone Lloyd has had vacations in Thailand Texas and London UK and drives a bmw."
I may have missed it, but I don't think Lloyd was in Texas this year (2022).
Can anyone confirm a 2022 trip to Texas and that Lloyd's personal vehicle is a BMW?