Ecan6's link above was very interesting and insightful into the workings of DC's as regards to a subsidy that WTS receives from a local community.
It's a short read but enlightening for me. [Also, the PDF of the minutes of the City Council meeting which highlight the revenue to the local businesses and the city. ($300,000 estimated return to the city - not counting the boon to the businesses at a time of year that is usually 'dead'.) - Read the PDF that is shown at the bottom of the article. You will likely be surprised as well. "Follow the money" comes to mind.]
This paragraph made me laugh, though:
But this year City Councilors say they want to see more outreach into the community.
Baldwin explained that in the past the City Council would encourage and suggest that the group to partner with other organizations in the community, but wouldn’t require it. The Jehovah’s Witnesses would instead perform some other kind of service work.
This year, she said they decided to tie the funding directly to the completion of a community service.
Councilors gave the group three options including providing support or volunteers for a local Habitat for Humanity project, Helping Hands Mission relocation or a food or clothing drive for one of the city’s food banks or shelters. The group could suggest its own partnership, but it must be approved by the City Council.
hehe While in the past they were happy with free labor for arena cleaning and for free landscaping services, they are now wanting JWs to be move involved in community outreach - and not the bogus door-to-door 'Life-Saving' proselytising that they may claim as charitable activity. The city wants actual, bonafid, charitable activity in exchange for the subsidy. Would really like to see an update on this...