Lett said: 170 RTO's [Regional Translation Offices] are needed.
i went through the original footage to get a good look at the watch.. from these pictures we can probably say that it is a apple watch and that it has a golden color.
the color on the pin is black, and the band is white, grey, silvery or beige.. .
the pin is in the exact place for it to be a apple watch.. only apple watch edition have the gold color.
Lett said: 170 RTO's [Regional Translation Offices] are needed.
well i know i've been posting a lot of topics like this lately and i'm sorry if i sound whiny or annoying.
my parents were asking me why i was so upset lately and i ended up just telling them the whole truth.
i told them i don't believe in god or the bible because i don't have any evidence of anything.
If I recall correctly, you are 16 years old.
Advice on a prior thread encouraged you to lay low, say nothing to your family about your doubts, and start looking at ways to get a college education and begin making friends outside of the organization.
I still think that is sound advice for any one, especially a teenager and young adult.
Too much time on this or ANY discussion board, is not healthy for anyone. Especially a teenager still living with JW parents.
Sorry for curt response. I am on my way out but wanted to chime in here.
I truly wish you the best - as I try to heed my own advice. (Seriously, I need to take breaks from here or I, too, start feeling too much negativity. And I'm old enough to be your mother.)
-Aude Sapere (meaning: Dare to Know; Dare to Have Widsom/Understanding; Dare to Think for Yourself)
PS: Armageddon is NOT coming. Get an education and a satisfying career. Start saving now for moving out. When you move out, start saving for retirement. I'm serious.
after listening to the hearings of the australian royal commission into institutional responses to child sexual abuse, i am no longer content to have simply walked away from the organization.
as a matter of conscience, i do not want my name linked with the organization in any way.
i know this letter has been posted previously, and i thank the author.
You may want to name the specific elders to list of those who may be held legally responsible for slander and harassment.
I think is now mostly conducted on a local level. HQ can't be bothered. The local elders don't want to be hung to dry.
Just my $0.02.
@drewcoul - I just tuned in a few minutes ago and saw that, too, right away! Noone else had someome turn pages for them. Could be a WT lawyer sitting just off screen???
katie kitten has produced three youtube videos in which she explains and gives commentary on the royal commission.
she has some great comments on the proceedings.. days 1 to 4:.
shout out to jwfacts.. just saw the drum.
excellent job !
can someone please send me a link to the outline for the funeral talk?i'm on my cell phone and having trouble using the search function.
can someone please send me a link to the outline for the funeral talk?i'm on my cell phone and having trouble using the search function.
hello to those following what is going in australia with our royal commission.. i want to let all those abused, neglected, shunned and blamed that i understand why you may not front the rc.
the wtbts is hoping you will consider yourself an invalid complainant, because you are not or were not.....baptised.
if you were abused at a young age and you told on your dad or the bad man that did it.......you would have been taken aside by the overseer and read scriptures about lying and being immoral; even if you didn't know what that word meant.
OP stated: The WTBTS is hoping you will consider yourself an invalid complainant, because you are not or were not.....baptised.
Baptised or not, official membership of the club/organization is not the issue. The RC does not care about anyone's affiliation. That is sort of one of the points. Protection from abuse and solid support for any and ALL who are victimized - especially children - should be readily available without regard for corporate policy and governance.
The RC is commissioned to report finding and make recommendations that no one is left feeling they have no voice and no right to the support.
mon 3 (cont) fri 7 .
public hearing: case study 29 into jehovah's witnesses, sydney.
I think the 'non-verbal' message from the elders in this hearing is coming through LOUD and CLEAR: Not only do they consider child sex abuse to be just a sin (rather than a crime), they don't even consider it important enough to spend an hour or two (at MINIMUM) to read what the commission is about and to review their own notes about the incidents to be discussed.
They are hostile to any intrusion into their little 'club'.
And Child Sex Abuse is just not worth their time.