Toblerone5 wrote: "... So if SIMON IS GRACIOUS..."
original reddit post (removed).
Toblerone5 wrote: "... So if SIMON IS GRACIOUS..."
original reddit post (removed).
@Nic - I think the phone # is for Lua, the Brazilian yoga instructor. But still agree. She probably doesn't want the attention either.
i think she was the one who gave up a tv career in favor of being a jw.
confirmed on yahoo news:.
thu oct 10,10:24 am et.
I remember watching Get Christie Love.
This caught my attention:
titch wrote: ... in the Southern California area, there is a radio station, KABC/790 AM, that has been a talk-radio station for many years. Every Sunday evening, they would have a show called "Religion On The Line". I do remember Theresa Graves being invited to expound upon the persecution of Witnesses in Malawi, and I think that she appeared on that show around 1974 or 1975.
Jim Simon was an elder in my congregation (and he was one of my very favorite elders - ever).
As 'the father of talk radio', he likely played a role in Theresa's appearance.
Simon, Jim: KABC, 1970-76; KFI, 1976; KGIL, 1985-88; KKGO, 1991; XEKAM, 1992. Jim died June 6, 1995, of complications from diabetes, an aneurysm and a stroke. He was 61.
original reddit post (removed).
@DerekMoors -
A few posts ago you wrote: @Kim Silvio (sorry, don't know how to actually tag,
if someone knows how to get her attention):
Kim seems to check in and catch up on this thread periodically (me too, for the past 8 months!! LOL) so she will likely find your post on her next catch-up session.
To highlight it for her, you might want to send her a DM with a link to the page your question is on.
Just a thought.
Happy Sunday!!
original reddit post (removed).
Vintage wrote: I read somewhere that Watchtower had somehow “received” some similar honor, years ago, and had displayed its trophy in a case, but later removed it from display. I have no idea now where I read that.
You probably read it on JWN.
Here is a link to one post about the WT Telly Award:
JWs win 2015 Bronze Telly Award in the “Online Video News Feature” (
And an ancillary post that mentions the Telly:
Removed from Interview w/Jared Kushner (
original reddit post (removed).
NonCoinCollector wrote: Although from time to time an error might occur, I feel like we've done a pretty good job stating what we believe to be facts. Unlike Joshua Sundberg who has decided to completely rewrite history.
Yes. 100% Agreed.
We have all done a much better-than-expected job of retaining an accurate record.
Collectively - especially on this thread - I think we have done a very good job of promptly cross-checking details so we keep the facts straight.
Helpful in keeping the facts straight are the several posters who have been quick to capture images, documents, and videos that will likely be hidden by someone [JLE] playing games with his own cyber trail.
Happy Sunday, Everyone!
PS: MUCH Thanks to Simon for helping to protect the integrity of the discussions by not tolerating the frivolous deletion of posts.
a pimo elder at bethel has come forward with a special message posted on reddit..
the dated pictures attached are "proof conclusive" that this is for real.
no outside guests are allowed inside bethel at this time.
On page 5 of this thread Terry posted a link to a video that Ben Foard published earlier this year.
In the video, Ben talks about the many layers of access to WT informational documents (public-facing and internal).
The video is well-worth the 23 minute watch.
I am re-linking here:
For a small part of the video he mentions racism and segregated congregations.
I remember segregated congregations in some areas of the US.
We - new, normal congregation rank-and-file JWs - were told that the segregation was vestige of prior government mandates and 'The Society' was merely complying with 'the superior authorities'.
Ben's video presents a little different context to that understanding.
so my grandparents got a letter from a jw.
they have gotten these kind of letters over the years and they always give them to me and this time i got fed up and i wrote the guy back.
just wanted to post my reply letter in case anyone could use a chuckle on a sunday morning.
Slim chance that anyone collecting the mail at the PO Box will read the letter.
But I did. And I did get a little chuckle from it.
Aude Sapere (Meaning: Dare to Know; Dare to Have Wisdom/Understanding; Dare to Think for Yourself)
(booga booga booga) LOL
original reddit post (removed).
Thank you LMSA.
original reddit post (removed).
On this page...
Debra wrote: "...every few months he takes off to Thailand to cheat on his wife with prostitutes with your patreons donations, no it's not gossip no it's not lies,..."
This statement is not correct.
So, in practicality, this statement is a lie.
Please everyone, we need to keep our facts straight.
Lloyd did *not* admit to going to Thailand every few months.
In fact, if I recall correctly, he admitted to just *ONE* trip to Thailand [to cheat on his wife with a 'girlfriend' who is a sex-worker].
What he admitted to on the infamous video - that he says he was forced to do (because Kim S made a statement about him) - was visit sex-workers every few months for the past several years.
The assumption at the time by people watching the video was that the sex-workers were located in Croatia, possibly also some in England, and maybe, just maybe a time in Texas. And, of course, that one infamous time in Thailand during Christmas and NewYear's Eve 2021.
When repeating details that are not favorable to someone (ie: Lloyd) or something (ie: Watchtower.Org) it's really important to not exaggerate or assume that you have the correct details.
When mis-statements are presented as truth but the facts show something different - it gives the subject of the mis-statement something to latch on to and claim 'LIAR!', 'SLANDERER!!', "LIABLER!!!'
We all know Lloyd cannot let anything go unchallenged.
Please don't give him more fuel by presenting exaggerations as fact.
Best to be careful and double check - triple check - the source documents/actual video.
Edit to add:
"...this year alone Lloyd has had vacations in Thailand Texas and London UK and drives a bmw."
I may have missed it, but I don't think Lloyd was in Texas this year (2022).
Can anyone confirm a 2022 trip to Texas and that Lloyd's personal vehicle is a BMW?