They probably released her because she spread herpes to all the guards.... that was the medical condition..
And like house arrest for her is punishment.. Oh booohooo I get to spend a month in my big mansion, get drunk, and throw parties!
yup, after 3 days of her 23 day sentence.
she'll be confined to home for the duration of her sentence.
They probably released her because she spread herpes to all the guards.... that was the medical condition..
And like house arrest for her is punishment.. Oh booohooo I get to spend a month in my big mansion, get drunk, and throw parties!
why is it they co's always drive buicks with nice leather seats?
they just stopped by my place, and i am hiding... i havent been to meetings in years... co must be in town, and the in-laws musta tipped em off where i am living.
(im hiding in the computer room tell they go away!!
ROFL at undercover.... that is halarious I will have to use that.... Seriously I am very curious as to what this free gift is!! It doesnt say... I'm going to sign up for it and see if i get a watchtower in the mail. hahaha
why is it they co's always drive buicks with nice leather seats?
they just stopped by my place, and i am hiding... i havent been to meetings in years... co must be in town, and the in-laws musta tipped em off where i am living.
(im hiding in the computer room tell they go away!!
Interesting! Special privledge for being the son of someone on top I guess. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ What do you want to bet daddy was a former shareholder?
why is it they co's always drive buicks with nice leather seats?
they just stopped by my place, and i am hiding... i havent been to meetings in years... co must be in town, and the in-laws musta tipped em off where i am living.
(im hiding in the computer room tell they go away!!
Why is it they CO's always drive buicks with nice leather seats? They just stopped by my place, and I am hiding... I havent been to meetings in years... CO must be in town, and the in-laws musta tipped em off where I am living. (im hiding in the computer room tell they go away!!)
so i posted a while back about my marriage problems.... whole new gambit thrown into the mix.
i've had suspicions all along that something like this might be happening... but only just not confirmed that she's been cheating on me... with another jw that she works with!
she could have been more discreet about it rather than leave all the text messages on her phone.
Wow thank you for all the support. I had a long talk with my mother in law this morning. She told me she had already caught my wife talking alot with him and counseled her on it about how she is married and should not be doing so.. Just none of this ever got to my ear. Her mother is very upset by all that I have told her (at least the fam isnt angry at me). I want to leave, but at the same time I have no support group, this woman has forced me to burn so many bridges in my life. I really have no where to go really. So that is the only thing I have to ponder on really now, is what do I do from there. It's not as easy as saying "pick yourself up son and start over." oooh noo, there is way more work involved than that. /roflcopter
so i posted a while back about my marriage problems.... whole new gambit thrown into the mix.
i've had suspicions all along that something like this might be happening... but only just not confirmed that she's been cheating on me... with another jw that she works with!
she could have been more discreet about it rather than leave all the text messages on her phone.
I do believe that is the course of action I will take. "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me." I'm probably just going to leave in a day or so when she's at work. I have hardly any possessions anyway, were in a good amount of debt, and both make the same amount of income. I have nothing to loose in a divorce I feel now. Thank GOD, no children...
so i posted a while back about my marriage problems.... whole new gambit thrown into the mix.
i've had suspicions all along that something like this might be happening... but only just not confirmed that she's been cheating on me... with another jw that she works with!
she could have been more discreet about it rather than leave all the text messages on her phone.
So I posted a while back about my marriage problems.... whole new gambit thrown into the mix. I've had suspicions all along that something like this might be happening... but only just not confirmed that she's been cheating on me... with another JW that she works with! She could have been more discreet about it rather than leave all the text messages on her phone. She cried her eyes out to me about how it was nothing, just a quick fling, and she wants to be with me and she is truly sorry... but I'm at a loss for words now :-/ I told her the only way this would work is if she quit and got another job, thus not being around this man anymore... She refused. I believe I have no choice but to leave now. I feel like 2.5 years of my life were just wasted. What boggles me is how she can talk about "the truth" and go to all her meetings and be so visciously defensive about "the organization" yet blatantly disobey the rules of said organization... /sad rant off Roflcopter.
so i went fishing at the beach for about 9 hours last thursday.
silly me i forgot to bring sunscreen this time.
my arms didnt get burnt since i already burned once, but my legs are extremely burnt!.
So i went fishing at the beach for about 9 hours last thursday. Silly me I forgot to bring sunscreen this time. My arms didnt get burnt since I already burned once, but my legs are extremely burnt!
They have swelled up alot, they are extremely painful. The actual burn doesnt hurt that much anymore, its more or less the swelling. I am practically bedridden since whenever I position my legs perpendicularly or stand and put weight on them, it feels as if all the blood vessels are about to explode, lots of pressure in my feet especially.
Any idea's? Or should I just lay in bed for the next weed ( and loose my job, stupid retailers! They are already talking about firing me... *sigh* not like I can help my condition )
just a fluffy question ~~~.
were you a freak?
I was a part of the freak club. Lonley and rejected by most of the normal kids for being different. YaaY mee! I did go on to do a semester in community college, couldn't handle alot of the pressure of working a full time job, being a good little dub, and going to school at the same time so I dropped out. Now my life is sh*t cuz of it! I think back about it and realize I could have had my masters by now. :'( oh well foolish things.
this month marks a year since i reported fs.
i can't remember the last time i felt this proud of an accomplishment.
i have come a long way in my de-programing.
congrats! soon enough the time will just fly by if it hasn't already. For me it has been 4 years since i was DF'd, reinstated, faded and stopped turning in time ;D Lucky for me I was never hassled at all, and now that im outta state I should be home free!