So I posted a while back about my marriage problems.... whole new gambit thrown into the mix. I've had suspicions all along that something like this might be happening... but only just not confirmed that she's been cheating on me... with another JW that she works with! She could have been more discreet about it rather than leave all the text messages on her phone. She cried her eyes out to me about how it was nothing, just a quick fling, and she wants to be with me and she is truly sorry... but I'm at a loss for words now :-/ I told her the only way this would work is if she quit and got another job, thus not being around this man anymore... She refused. I believe I have no choice but to leave now. I feel like 2.5 years of my life were just wasted. What boggles me is how she can talk about "the truth" and go to all her meetings and be so visciously defensive about "the organization" yet blatantly disobey the rules of said organization... /sad rant off Roflcopter.
Caught Wife Cheating
by roflcopter 67 Replies latest jw friends
Cut your losses, young man. At 24 you say you've wasted 2.5 yrs. on a relationship with someone who commits adultery but still wallows in her JW piety. That's sad but insignificant in the big picture. You have your whole life ahead of you. Dust yourself off and get on with it. Best regards.
I do believe that is the course of action I will take. "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me." I'm probably just going to leave in a day or so when she's at work. I have hardly any possessions anyway, were in a good amount of debt, and both make the same amount of income. I have nothing to loose in a divorce I feel now. Thank GOD, no children...
I hate to give advice when I only know the basic information... BUT here goes:
What possible reason do you have to stick with her?
She's determined to remain in a cult, so odds are you'll have that over your head for the rest of your life even if she doesn't cheat again.
She did cheat on you, there is no dishonor in leaving an unfaithful spouse.
Marriage pretty much always sucks, so if you can become a single man again, I say go for it and don't ever get married again... But that's just my opinion.
Awwwwww...........! When a mate cheats on you, there is clearly something very fundamentally wrong in the relationship. If you take them back (or they take you back) you have to wonder - is it out of love.........? or fear? Then the real work begins. If it is a relationship is worth salvaging, I suppose you work together to mend it. But, what if it happens again? And again? What can one then deduce about the cheater and about the cheatee?
Sorry man!
I had an ex-bethelite friend go through this with his wife so I've seen the pain.
Hope the best for you!
Dr. Phil would agree with you in this case.
Someone who "cheats" needs to prove they understand the pain they have caused you, doing all they can so show the affair was wrong, including you asking her NOT to see this guy again. I agree with you asking her to quit the job, and therefore have no contact with the JW. But then again, does he go to the same congregation as your wife? IF so, she will never cease seeing the guy.
Sounds like a double df'ng coming for both of them.
I feel for you...I put up with a cheating JW husband for 20 years....... I should have left him the first time he did it...before out 2nd anniversary.
It's a painful topic....I hope the best for you.
tim hooper
It's time to go.
Once the trust is gone...............................................................................
I Know what I like, and I like what I know
Almost everything is similar to my situation. Only I was married for over ten years. My ex also didn't want to quit her job. RUN!