I think that this by far is the best door sign ever... if i remember correctly though the courts made her take it down cuz the JW's complained... lame...
Second favorite is this one HAHAHA
my door sign actually keeps jws away!!
this past weekend while doing some house work i looked out of my front window because i saw shadows, i walked to the kitchen and looked out my side window, only to see two young brothers walking away.
one was about 19 and the other looked to be 14, i kind of wish they had actually knocked, im always prepared for them.
I think that this by far is the best door sign ever... if i remember correctly though the courts made her take it down cuz the JW's complained... lame...
Second favorite is this one HAHAHA
i have a lot of consolation magazines that i could scan.. if you want a particular issue for research, tell me and i will scan it, and you can tell to the board more what are your research, so everybody will have more insight.. .
here is one of this magazine concerning the madison square garden incident.
this incident is connected with the olyn moyle's trial and it is interessant to see the vision of rutherford concerning this.. he tried in this magazine to excuse the usher, because what he said on stage was "the word of jehovah", so nobody must stop the "spreading of the word of god".
It's amazing reading over this and seeing how very political the WTS used to be...
<----------------- From da OC
i havent picked up a watchtower in a long time, but i cracked open the latest one "does it matter which religion you choose" march 1, 07.. i read the first few articles and it seems that the only time they even mentioned the name was jehovah was when they said "jehovah's witnesses" all other references were god... has the wtbts been trying to use the name jehovah less?
seems that way to me..
I havent picked up a Watchtower in a long time, but I cracked open the latest one "Does it matter which religion you choose" March 1, 07.
I read the first few articles and it seems that the only time they even mentioned the name was Jehovah was when they said "Jehovah's Witnesses" all other references were God... Has the WTBTS been trying to use the name Jehovah less? Seems that way to me.
ok, i've been df'd for 5 months or so now and i'm getting ready to write a letter requesting reinstatment.
i'm assuming something like "i know jah has already forgiven me so now i"m asking you imperfect sinners to forgive me my sins and give me my life back please".
wouldn't work.
When I got DFd I was out for a measly 3 months before reinstated.... I just grovelled like crazy in my letter. Actually one of the elders on the judicial body really insulted me by telling me he didnt think I wrote the letter myself and that I must have got help. Hah at that point I already knew I wasnt interested in the religion anymore, but still... what a way to seal it. None the less they decided to reinstate me.
Just write about how wrong it was for you to do that, and how you brought reproach upon Jehovah's name, and that you endangered the spiritual wellbeing of the brothers and sisters in the congregation. Since you have been disfellowshipped you can see what it is like out in the world alone without Jehovah's guidance and direction acting upon your life. Then tell them that you have prayed to Jehovah alot and have cried a great deal over the sin(s) that you have committed and have begged of his forgiveness, and that you wish to be known as one of Jehovah's witnesses so as to gain his blessing again and have fellowship with your fellow brothers and sisters. bla bla bla.... you get the drift
do you think the ministry school helped you in your secular life?
that is, in business or sales, or in communication with customers or suppliers?.
of course the society was trying to make a good salesman out of me for their agenda but i had to 'quit' their job.. outaservice .
Yes it did. I own my own business and it was all thanks to having no fear going door to door, and business to business talking to people. All those years my parents forced me to go out in service made me unafraid of talking people into buying computer services.
Hell if you can sell someone the Watchtower you can sell just about anything!! In fact I have more success selling computer services than I ever did getting people interested in the Watchtower.
she recently went on a rant about how i need to go to meetings and that she knows the wts is not perfect but its the closest thing.
she kept trying to gode me into spilling everything... i simply put it to her in an illustration and it made her really think.... in response to her telling me that its the closest thing to the truth i told her my feelings: "if i was eating a peice of delicious chocolate... and then the baker told me she picked up dog poop with her bare hands and didnt wash them before she made them... would you still eat it?
sure it still may taste good, but would continue to eat it?".
She recently went on a rant about how I need to go to meetings and that she knows the WTS is not perfect but its the closest thing. She kept trying to gode me into spilling everything... I simply put it to her in an illustration and it made her really think...
In response to her telling me that its the closest thing to the truth I told her my feelings: "If I was eating a peice of delicious chocolate... and then the baker told me she picked up dog poop with her bare hands and didnt wash them before she made them... would you still eat it? Sure it still may taste good, but would continue to eat it?"
She got my analogy and was just silent the rest of the night. I hope that it sunk in. =D
found this news article about a woman who worked at bethel and was supposed to investigate old child sexual abuse cases... she reported hundreds of them to the police and subsequently got disfellowshipped for it... to bad the court ruled against her in favor of the watchtower cuz of freedom of religion bullcrap.. http://tennessean.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?aid=/20070123/news01/70123012.
Found this news article about a woman who worked at bethel and was supposed to investigate old child sexual abuse cases... she reported hundreds of them to the police and subsequently got disfellowshipped for it... to bad the court ruled against her in favor of the watchtower cuz of freedom of religion bullcrap.
**looks like someone in the wtc made a booboo******** lol!!!!!
& it is not the 1st time.
can anyone say damage control!!!
i have the audio recording of this talk. my friend sent it to me... i don't doubt thats what he heard for a minute either... watch him get df'd for steppin outta line. hahah
i was looking at ebay for old jw literature and ran across this.
i have never seen this in my life, and i don't think this is a standard release package.
is there a copy of it on the web somewhere where i can look at it without having to spend $100+?.
I was looking at ebay for old JW literature and ran across this. I have never seen this in my life, and I don't think this is a standard release package. Anyone else see this before? Is there a copy of it on the web somewhere where i can look at it without having to spend $100+?
(P.S - I am not affiliated with this auction, so don't think im trying to promote anything.)