I'm also a Sephardic Jew and a philologist. Both sides of my family are from Spain, and we are of the tribe of Judah, with possibly some Benjamin stock.
I have to admit that there is some history of the Jews uttering the name very early in their history, but by the beginning of the era of the Second Temple the Name stopped being uttered. This was likely due to exposure to pagan religion practice during the Diaspora.
While I am not in any position to claim what amount of understanding or grasp you have of historical Judaism, as an etymologist and practicing Jew I can attest that no Jew has ever viewed avoiding the use of the name as a "superstition." That term and accusation can historically be traced to anti-Semitic sources that Christianity separated itself from after the Shoah. You are the first Jew who I've seen use such a non-Jewish polemic against their own people.
Be that as it may, Jews are quite aware that making a thing is not the same as using a thing. Again the Holy of Holies was created and stood before the Jewish people every day for generations, but only one person ever saw it from the inside, and that only once a year. Just because it was there every day didn't mean it was meant to be used. On the contrary the fact it was there and rarely used and unseen by most was meant to explain what holiness meant.
The same goes for the Name. Just because it got written to be present always in scrolls doesn't mean it has to be read. Holy things do not get treated that way. As the theology of Israelites grew and the era following Babylonian captivity came about, the Jews were careful to avoid practices that imitated the pagans.
While some are of the opinion that a person might remain ethnically Jewish if they be atheist or Christian, they are not being true to their heritage if they use anti-Semitic polemics to describe the practices of their fellow Jews. Jewish is as Jewish does, not by what it claims .
And I also thought about what it would be like to be a Messianic Jew or the like. But upon learning that Christians killed over 2.5 million of my family members in the Holocaust and chased my family from Spain in 1492 after torturing and killing several thousand relatives then too, I felt being a Jewish Christian would be tantamount to suffering from Stockholm Syndrome.