I almost didn’t join this site because I had been away so very long from the JWs. And then I let my feelings get hurt when someone misunderstood what I was doing here and I brought up Judaism.
Then someone I knew reminded me of why it was important to share what I have learned and been through since being a Witness. Since the issues dealt with all stem from the Jewish Scriptures, Jewish monotheism concept, Jewish religion, etc., I was in a unique place to help exJWs on their journey. Being that Judaism has room to embrace the agnostic and atheist, I was also reminded that it could be important for many leaving the Watchtower to see that the start of it all, Judaism, was not so cut and dry or about “belief” in concepts.
In the time that passed since leaving the JWs I became a language specialist who focused on literary transmission through the ages (a field known as “philology”). I have had the honor of helping Bible translation scholars over the past several years in their work, as well as other religious professionals, all of them Christian despite the fact that I returned to my Jewish roots once I left the Watchtower. My specialty, of course, is Hebrew religious literature, so I became a much requested commodity of sorts with the ecumenical translations which have recently been released.
So I have to give credit to that past experience and my Jewish culture. I’m just remembering things. I would be happy to point you to the some resources, but realize that there is no exhaustive and complete list out there. We are talking about a subject that literally reaches back thousands of years into the past.