I remember the quote of a Catholic saint who, according to her, had conversations with the Virgin Mary. St. Bernadette Soubirous was told by the Virgin: "I cannot guarantee you happiness in this world, only in the next."
Okay, as you folks know this Jew is not stating Catholicism is the true religion or that these events were real, but it does highlight something very peculiar about cults compared to mainstream religions and even regular non-religious folks: happiness is not a guarantee in life, and we know it.
Cults and ideologies have a set of earmarks or signs that make people say: "Yep, that's a cult." One of them is the fact that their members constantly talk about how HAPPY they are and how the world does not enjoy their brand of happiness. "See? Everything is normal!" they try to assure us. "We're happy."
Their religious literature advertises ways to be happy, they smile like they are happy all they time, they often produce programming showing how happy they are.
Normal people don't do this.
For those who don't know the famous story of St. Bernadette Soubirous, she's the girl who discovered the fountains at Lourdes, France. Though the Catholic Church did not believe her at the time, and many persecuted her regarding the events, St. Bernadette received what is now believed by the Catholic Church as authentic visions and messages from Mary. The fountain is the sight of alleged miraculous cures.
But St. Bernadette, who died at an early age from tuberculosis of the bone, never availed herself of any miracles. She was not interested in them nor did she view herself as special because of the visions. When fellow Catholics asked her why she did not revisit the site of the miracle fountains at Lourdes, she responded as above with words she said Mary told her: "I cannot guarantee you happiness in this world, only in the next."
Again, I have no religious connection to this story and its validity is not the point. What is the point is the fairly normal response Bernadette gave about life. Happiness is not guaranteed for anyone, even so-called saints who see visions. Catholics don't believe it is. Jews don't either, and I am sure the same goes for atheists.
Normal people don't go around trying to show how happy their ideology or religion or convictions make them in life. Not everybody is happy. And if and when we are, we don't rush out and film ourselves being happy to show others. No, we share that happiness with people in the flesh so they can have happiness too--not to prove that our religion is normal.
In fact, I am more likely to believe that St. Bernadette had visions than believe stories from Jehovah's Witnesses who claim that Jehovah makes them happy. If a Catholic saint says happiness is not guaranteed in life, that makes more sense than people who dance around claiming that following the whims of the Governing Body does.
I would wash in the waters of Lourdes 10,000 times before I ever believe Jehovah's Witnesses are really happy.