sorry for the uncorrectable typo in the title.
If you ask jws: "-who are the "chosen ones"? they would have to answer: "--the select few, the partakers"". so their survival is linked to the shortening of the Great Tribulation. Any "flesh's" survival is made possible only by the shortness of Armageddon. so :
Lurkers and friends, do you not want to be the "flesh" to be fresh after Armageddon? then you have to become part of the select chosen ones, PARTAKE, for survival's sake, if you follow wt schedule you have to wait until next year, if you think it is SOONER, could you sneak into the communion line of a church?
Note this is in the humour section.
indestructible bodies and they can live both on earth and in heavens - as Jesus did after resurrection. @ paradise beauty,
that is a novel. beautiful thought. so where is Christ's indestructible body now? the one that came through the closed door?
Phizzy: yeah, since chosen ones means they have CHOSEN to partake, what keeps others from making sure to join the survivors of the big A ?
Here is the Irony: the creme de la creme of the chosen ones, the Brooklyn Seven, do not expect to survive Armageddon, They have chosen to be combattants with paradisebeauty's indestructible bodies to kill all the babies, apostates and other bird food.