I'd choose the Professor! There's something about a handsome, intelligent man who can make anything out of bamboo and coconuts -- well, what more could you want?
BTW, notice I deleted my picture -- too many complaints.
....you could spend a month on the island alone with?
no, i ain't horny......just wonderin.
gumflaccid .
I'd choose the Professor! There's something about a handsome, intelligent man who can make anything out of bamboo and coconuts -- well, what more could you want?
BTW, notice I deleted my picture -- too many complaints.
ohhh .. you crazy crazy fundies.
trading spouses margaret freaking out.
something tells me this person could have been a graduate of awake!
Fame and fortune! I guess she has slipped over to the ... dark side!
ohhh .. you crazy crazy fundies.
trading spouses margaret freaking out.
something tells me this person could have been a graduate of awake!
I bet that woman forgot to take her meds with her that week. Somebody should have slammed a syringe filled with elephant knock-out juice into her ass as soon as she walked through the door.
And yes, those poor kids. Can you imagine how their minds are being filled with fear each day? Very sad.
a friend of mine living in upstate ny told me that dc's for this summer will be held in the 4 local jw owned assembly halls instead of a large stadium such as yankee.
this means much smaller, and presumably more dc's during the summer since most of these places i.e.
stanley theater can only hold about 4,000-5,000 people.
Does anyone know the dates and locations for the NYC DCs? I'm going to be back there in the late Summer and I might want to have a flash-back.
Thanks, Peter
the story is beyond excellent.
every line is so well crafted and the story, published in the new yorker magazine in 1997, is much more than two young men falling in love.
one of the major themes of the movie is fear.
Just wanted to say thanks for the replys.
the story is beyond excellent.
every line is so well crafted and the story, published in the new yorker magazine in 1997, is much more than two young men falling in love.
one of the major themes of the movie is fear.
Thanks to all the generous people welcoming me here.[So many beautiful people! Ahhhhhhhhh...] was feeling a tad bit like a social leper.
I was able to raise my three wonderful children and my LCSW psychotic wife. So when all the kids were in college I moved out.
All my lovers have been mental health professionals.I left my LCSW -- AND RAN OFF INTO THE ARMS OF A PSYCOLOGIST WHICH WAS PRETTY GROOVY -- After a argument, I went home with a psychiatrist; thr
there were a few more and then I met the Catholic Priest. He did pastoral counseling for those dying and their families.He'd give people last rights, and do the little chanting thing all the will running beads through their fingers.
Relationships are so much work. I'm going solo from here on out.
anyway, glad to be here!
PS: Keep in mind I love you.
the story is beyond excellent.
every line is so well crafted and the story, published in the new yorker magazine in 1997, is much more than two young men falling in love.
one of the major themes of the movie is fear.
I read 70-year-old Annie Proulx’s short story "Brokeback Mountain" several times before I saw the movie. The story is beyond excellent. Every line is so well crafted and the story, published in The New Yorker magazine in 1997, is much more than two young men falling in love.
One of the major themes of the movie is fear. Fear to embrace the parts of one’s life that one has "learned" to repress and deny – from society, religion and internalized hate. Ennis Del Mar has lived his whole insulated life in Wyoming working as a ranch hand. He tells Jack Twist that the only place he’s ever been "is around the coffee pot looking for the handle." He doesn’t get to finish the 9 th grade
Before the death of his parents at 13, his father takes him and his older brother to see what happens to queers. There, in a ditch is a dead man who had been drug behind a truck by his genitals until they had been ripped out. Though Ennis is one tough guy, he still can’t conquer his fear of living as a gay man with Jack. His fear is constantly overpowering his desire to be with the man he loves.
It’s a story of missed opportunities because of fear. Sound familiar? Isn’t that what most Jws do? Live a numb, half life because they fear a god that is going to butcher them "soon" if they don’t follow draconian measures laddled out by the FDS? Live a repressed existence because they fear being disfellowshipped and shunned by once loving family members? Deny talents and aspirations that might bring them some joy in life because they fear going down a path that might ttake hem away from the "protection" of an angry god – who seems to dislike anything imperfect people do?
See the movie! Read the short story! Read the script! There are lots of parallels for Jws.
PS: All JWs live in some kind of closet.
is your belief moral, social or practical?
would you feel the same way if there were absolutely no religious influence on the matter pro or con?.
regardless of your belief, does every adult have a fundimental right to marry anyone of his or her choosing, regardless of gender?.
I have a neighbor that F**** his sheep should he be allowed to marry his sheep?
If the sheep says "Yes!" and can register at Macy's -- I don't see why not. (Of course, she souldn't wear white ....)
one tragic mistake (i think) in the modern western world is to reduce the notion of religion to beliefs or doctrines.
and perhaps morals.
ritual is actually more central to religion, in a wider historical and geographical perspective, than any of the above.
When meeting a woman for the first time, look her deeply in the eyes and gently slide your hand up her blouse and give her breasts a nice massage.
The next step in the ritual is she kicks you in the groin -- then you find out she's an undercover cop. And then you get locked up and become a prison bitch for a 350 lbs psycho. Every night he takes you through a hundred positions of Kama Sutra.
one tragic mistake (i think) in the modern western world is to reduce the notion of religion to beliefs or doctrines.
and perhaps morals.
ritual is actually more central to religion, in a wider historical and geographical perspective, than any of the above.
Hi, I'm new here. Thought this would be a good post to jump in and SHARE.
Ritual Number One: Renewal/ Cleansing.
Invite a small circle of like-minded friends to come to a renewal/ cleansing ritual. You can do this on a weekly basis. Have them bring their laundry. Sit in a circle and have each one pile his/her laundry in front of them. Begin with the person, let's say, siting on your left side. They will look through your laundry and pick out what they feel is an interesting soiled item. They hold it up for all the circle to see. The group acknowledges it. They then hand the garment to its owner. The owner then tells the story of how that garment was soiled and if it brings up any feelings/ memories -- this can be punctuated with screams, yells, laughter or crying. When everyone in the circle has had a turn, then it time to go to the washing machine and the group communally washes each others clothes.
Ritual Number Two: Reading the Story on Our Bodies.
Once again have a close-knit group of fellow believers over. Drink till you feel a buzz. [Unless your an alcoholic. Then smoke some grass.] Start undressing as you chant all the vowel sounds. Resonate with A-E-I-O-U. When you've finished undressing and carefully folded your clothing and placed it in a neat stack behind you --then sit in a circle. Each participant will then find a scar on his/her body and tell its story. When, where, how, possible why, it happened. Was it an accident, surgery, dog bite, knife fight .... Take your scar around the circle and let everyone see it or touch it if need be. As this is done each week, keep a running journal of each scar. Create a history of one's life by the scars on your body.
OK, that's enough for now,