Hi everyone
I posted this same topic earlier but it didn't go through so i have to do it again.
I didn't think my ten questions would cause a person(youknow) to be attacked because his opinions was different from the majority.
AlanF. I don't know you personally and I don't know what you have gone through in your life, but I can say from what I have seen in here you have a lot of angry,hate, and other issues inside you that needs to be dealt with. You oblivious have some sort of history with this man.
You may want to seek professional help. I say this because you are unable to accept that there are those in life who will disagree with you. You don't seem to want to accept anyones opinion other than your own. The computer world is not the place to deal with your angry. If this person doesn't want to answer your questions leave him be. All of this insulting doesn't prove anything except you don't know how to deal with your feelings. It also makes you "appear" to be a person who cannot accpet anyone realities besides your own. Which is not realitiy. There's a whole world out here that's going to disagree with you, it's not wrong it's just a fact of life. You also have a large following in here. They agree with everything you say because of one reason or the other. Instead of calming you down they praise you for your attacks. I don't know why. In the department we call it "kissing ass" which is what we see from rookie cops. Does the praise make you feel better? I hope not see it for what it is.
Laugh at yourslef sometimes enjoy life, don't take it so seriously. You only have one life to live, and it's the only one you have. And let's be honest no matter what he say's to you , you will not agree with him right? so why waste time with it.
Youknow. You and Alan are very educated men, one has to wonder why the two of you cannot agree to disagree. You also know which buttons will agitate him. Since the two of you cannot get alone why don't the two of you keep away from eachother? This seems more of a love hate relationship. You cannot stand eachother but you can't keep away from eachother. You appear to more in control of your emotions. This is good, I noticed you didn't attack anyone that great. But if you can't make peace with him what's the point in fighting with him? You don't have to respons to his threads do you? You know if you do , you will upset him, is that what you want? Where does that get you?
I know the both of you and some of your friends will attack me. That's cool I am a outsider. I am only speaking from what I saw in two days. And it's also a part of life. I am not tryng to speak like your mothers just trying to be a friend. I hope you understand my words. Don't become offened by what I said.
Everyone is speaking for God. Let God speak for himself.Maybe it's time we listen to him and stop trying to guess at what he thinks. Religion brings out the worst in people.
I have to go and pick up some books at barns & Noble. I want to investigate things on my own. I don't believe anyone knows everything 100%. Thanks for the information I received from the two of you. It's very deep.