All this fighting is worthless

by Danni 85 Replies latest jw friends

  • Danni

    Hi everyone

    I posted this same topic earlier but it didn't go through so i have to do it again.

    I didn't think my ten questions would cause a person(youknow) to be attacked because his opinions was different from the majority.

    AlanF. I don't know you personally and I don't know what you have gone through in your life, but I can say from what I have seen in here you have a lot of angry,hate, and other issues inside you that needs to be dealt with. You oblivious have some sort of history with this man.
    You may want to seek professional help. I say this because you are unable to accept that there are those in life who will disagree with you. You don't seem to want to accept anyones opinion other than your own. The computer world is not the place to deal with your angry. If this person doesn't want to answer your questions leave him be. All of this insulting doesn't prove anything except you don't know how to deal with your feelings. It also makes you "appear" to be a person who cannot accpet anyone realities besides your own. Which is not realitiy. There's a whole world out here that's going to disagree with you, it's not wrong it's just a fact of life. You also have a large following in here. They agree with everything you say because of one reason or the other. Instead of calming you down they praise you for your attacks. I don't know why. In the department we call it "kissing ass" which is what we see from rookie cops. Does the praise make you feel better? I hope not see it for what it is.
    Laugh at yourslef sometimes enjoy life, don't take it so seriously. You only have one life to live, and it's the only one you have. And let's be honest no matter what he say's to you , you will not agree with him right? so why waste time with it.

    Youknow. You and Alan are very educated men, one has to wonder why the two of you cannot agree to disagree. You also know which buttons will agitate him. Since the two of you cannot get alone why don't the two of you keep away from eachother? This seems more of a love hate relationship. You cannot stand eachother but you can't keep away from eachother. You appear to more in control of your emotions. This is good, I noticed you didn't attack anyone that great. But if you can't make peace with him what's the point in fighting with him? You don't have to respons to his threads do you? You know if you do , you will upset him, is that what you want? Where does that get you?

    I know the both of you and some of your friends will attack me. That's cool I am a outsider. I am only speaking from what I saw in two days. And it's also a part of life. I am not tryng to speak like your mothers just trying to be a friend. I hope you understand my words. Don't become offened by what I said.

    Everyone is speaking for God. Let God speak for himself.Maybe it's time we listen to him and stop trying to guess at what he thinks. Religion brings out the worst in people.

    I have to go and pick up some books at barns & Noble. I want to investigate things on my own. I don't believe anyone knows everything 100%. Thanks for the information I received from the two of you. It's very deep.

  • AlanF

    Danni, You Know's ideas are not being attacked because they're different. They're being attacked because they have caused a great deal of pain and suffering to several million people. And it isn't just YK's ideas -- it's the ideas of those who taught him, the leaders of Jehovah's Witnesses. These men set themselves up as the only proper teachers of God's Word, and they will cause a JW who criticizes them to lose their entire family if they can do it. Do you think it improper to be angry at someone who causes you to lose your entire family and circle of friends? These men have also set up a system in which child molesters often find a haven. It's not that many JWs are child molesters, but that the system tends to protect them. Isn't it proper to be angry about a system that protects molesters? Put your police officer's hat on before you answer. If you really want to see pain, go to the website and read some of the stories from abuse victims.


  • Fredhall


    I thought you was to smart to be here. Go back to college dude? Read some Stephen Hawkings books. He is you spiritual man Alan boy.

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    You are very new here, I believe.
    You Know and AlanF are jousting.It is all a kind of game.
    You dont know AlanF from a bar of soap. He is the LAST person here that needs psychiatric care.Though there are many others who do. Especially YouKnow.
    This is a web site, basically, constructed for people who have left, and many of whom OPPOSE, The Witness Church.This is our forum.
    You Know is an INVADER here, a member in good standing with the church. (?) If I had my way, I would kick his ass out of here.
    This is only fair, after all, when I try to go into the Witness sites, they wont even let me ENTER!
    He comes here because he likes to argue and pontificate his opinions. He loves getting his teeth kicked in. If he didnt, he wouldnt come.

  • dubla


    you obviously cant objectively read two different sides to the same topic. attacking an argument and attacking a person are two different things (and if anyone personally attacks people on this forum, its yk. i could provide you with numerous links of evidence, if youd like). many of us attack yks arguments for one reason, they are severely flawed. if yk is answering your questions, and we are trying to help you see both sides rather than the one-sided smoke-screen provided by yk, i would think youd be thankful that others were providing you with the extra information. in the end, each has to decide for themselves.....but dont you want all the information available before making that decision? apparently not, and this is not an attack on you, just an observation.


  • WildHorses

    Danni, Alan is a pretty good guy, although a bit to serious at times.

    He just tells it as he see's it. Nothing wrong with that is it?

    I do not hate any JW's, What I hate is how the WTBTS brainwashes people to make themselves rich. You are a policewoman so you have access to things that many of us do not. Why not try searching into their history as far as the law is concerned and then make up your own mind as to wheather they are a good religion or not. ALL the facts are out there.

    Good luck to you Danni.

    I don't want someone in my life I can live with. I want someone in my life I can't live without.
  • Danni

    dubla if anything you just accused me of was true i would not have thanked both of them for the information "they" gave to me go back and read again.

  • Danni

    refiners fire
    You dont know AlanF from a bar of soap

    I did mention I didn't know what he has gone through in his life. I made a point of saying getting some help. Not attacking him but I can see now the only way some of you can reply is with an insult. That's your trip not mine. I won't justify it with another insult.

  • seven006


    To give you an example of what You Know (Robert) and Alan are doing I'll use a situation you are very familiar with. You can look at You Know as a lawyer for the defense and Alan as the DA. You are the jury and all the rest of us are mainly witnesses for the prosecution and a hand full are witnesses for the defense. Robert is trying to show the innocents of his convicted murder as an upstanding citizen that is simply misunderstood. As most lawyers who try and defend the craftiest of criminals do, he is playing with words and loopholes. If he can confuse the jury and give just the tinniest glimpse of reasonable doubt his client appears to be innocent.

    I'm sure you have sat in court rooms where you know the person on trial is guilty but the word and truth manipulation of a crafty lawyer tries to put his client in a good light. The manipulation of the law and the constant searching for loopholes is his main purpose. This is a technique that use to send me up a wall when I sat in court and watched someone I caught breaking the law get away with it because of a lawyers ability to cover-up the truth with volumes of deceptive legalize.

    Rationalization and interpretive manipulation are tools that appear to work at times for Robert. He is a master at using these techniques in an attempt to hide the truth and defend his client. He has gained a certain amount of respect on this board because of his psoriatic craftiness. That is why he goes against the direct orders of his religion and posts on this board. He gets a big charge out of using his bright mind to have intelligent conversation with all of us who are out of the religion. He cannot have these kinds of conversations with the average rank and file JW and he knows it. In real life if Robert was a real lawyer I'd want the man to defend me in a second. He loves to use his intelligence no matter what is true or not. I have to admire him for that but then again, that is his whole purpose for positing on this board. He love his strokes just as anyone does.

    I personally get a kick out of the Robert and Alan show. It appears here weekly and can often be seen in reruns. Roberts up for the "aposty award" for best supporting actor in a drama series. Alan is up for best leading man. Don't be deceived and see this as fighting, I think secretly they really like each other.

    We are not Roberts family. As disfellowshipped JW's he has no JW scriptural justification for corresponding with us. He is posting in direct disobedience to his religious leaders but as in everything he says and does on this board he manipulates his own religious philosophy to justify his presence here. He will defend the leaders of his religion until it interferes with his personal agenda to make Robert look good. When asked about his direct disobedience to those whom he just defended he says that "god is my ultimate master not the JW leaders." He turns his back on them in a second to justify his presence here. He is a master at self justification and manipulation of words when he needs to be. His posting on this board alone shows his true agenda. It is not to defend his professed belief but to build his own ego by having a platform to use his bright mind. His ego is much more important to him than his professes message. If it wasn't he wouldn't be here.

    You might want to ask Robert about his thinking on being "one of the 144,000 exclusive people" that will go to heaven. The JW's believe that only 144,000 people out of the billions that have been on earth will go to heaven. Robert believes he is one of these special 144,000. That fact alone will give you an idea of his ego. Also ask him why he disobeys the commands of his religious leaders and continues to post on a discussion board with known disfellowshipped people. He has already posted the fact that true believers are supposed to shun exJW's except for immediate family. We are not Roberts immediate family but he associates with us on a daily basis. You should also ask him about his claim to be an ex-drug addict and a member of a motorcycle gang.
    Are you starting to get the picture Danni?

    Go ahead, ask him, this should be fun.

    Take care Danni.

    PS: By the way, Robert doesn't like me, he calls me a childish buffoon, isn't that cute?

  • Danni

    Lilacs Why not try searching into their history as far as the law is concerned and then make up your own mind as to wheather they are a good religion or not. ALL the facts are out there.

    That's all I have been doing since talking with people in here. I am suppose to be at work now. But I asked for more time off. I said, for personal reasons but it's because I want to check things out. I love investigating matters. I did go and read at slient lambs it breaks my heart to see people can cover up the rape of children. I am leaning lilacs. You deserved a respectful answer.

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