Thank you all for your support. Yes, he is a JW in good standing. His actions are upheld in the congregation. I too, feel that pulling the pants down is nothing but control. When he was married to my daughter he had to have control over her at all times, he never hit her, but would push her around, and hit at her, never making contact with her face. When the children cry, and ask for their Mom, he tells them "Your Mom left you." He is not a nice man. We called Child Services, and they said it is not illegal to hit your child with a belt, stick, paddle, etc., as long as you don't leave a mark. I check this thread repeatedly, hoping somebody will have a story, a personal experience that we can use to show the long lasting ramifications of this abuse. He has a very rotten low attorney. I have gotten lots of advice, excellent advice from loving people who have read this. It is a source of comfort to me to know that you care, and I thank you for that. Cindy
JoinedPosts by Cindyrenee
Please help! Child custody
by Cindyrenee ini am looking for the book the sociey gives to help witnesses with custody cases.
found one link, but could not get it to download.
thank you so very much.
Please help! Child custody
by Cindyrenee ini am looking for the book the sociey gives to help witnesses with custody cases.
found one link, but could not get it to download.
thank you so very much.
Thanks for just listening. I am hoping that sombody out there has gone through this and will be able to give some advice as to what they did to stop it. To spank a child with a spoon and paddle is bad enough, but to PULL THEIR PANTS DOWN and spank their bare butts is humiliating and degrading. I do not think a step parent or grandparent, etc., had the right to do that to a child. Cindy
Please help! Child custody
by Cindyrenee ini am looking for the book the sociey gives to help witnesses with custody cases.
found one link, but could not get it to download.
thank you so very much.
At five years of age they have already learned to stop talking when their JW father walks into the room, they clam up. They are so innocent and sweet, it makes me sick. Such a nightmare. I've been looking, aren't that any laws to protect children from this kind of abuse from step parents, grandparents, etc.? My daughter was staring at them when they were telling the story of "pants down, wooden spoon, and paddle", she was trying to control her emotions, but the little girl took it wrong and said, "I'm NOT lying." Already she has to defend herself, thinking if she is telling the truth people won't believe her. Thanks again. It is nice to have a place where I can vent.
Please help! Child custody
by Cindyrenee ini am looking for the book the sociey gives to help witnesses with custody cases.
found one link, but could not get it to download.
thank you so very much.
Okay, took the advice to tape record. Wow! Asked the children, "What do you learn at the KH?" Child one, "If we talk we go to the back and get spanked." Child 2 "Yea, and Mommy-----(step mother) pulls our pants down and spanks us with the paddle or the wooden spoon." Child 4 "No, that is not at the KH, that is at home." Child one, "But, that is when we are really bad." "What do you do that is really bad?" Child one, "If we scream at her, or if we lie, or if we do bad things." Child one, "Sometimes she just tells us to go sit on our beds and wait for Daddy to come home." What does Daddy do when he comes home?" Child 2, "He comes up and talks to us, then he spanks us." Child 3 then pops up and says, "I don't like that." "What don't you like?" "I don't like that people are going to die. I don't want anybody to die." Child one, "Yea, bad people who don't love Jehovah are going to die with the dragon."
ANY ADVICE?????? We don't spank them, they are good kids. . Mama bear instinct is coming out, and the feelings aren't good. Anybody know anything about the laws and spanking? Thanks again. Cindy
True religion???
by Cindyrenee inis there a true religion?
is there a religion that really puts god first, that really cares about its followers, that really adheres to bible principles?
i have no hope anymore.
Dear Think
I have felt so alone for such a long time. Afraid to think or say anything negatrive or express disagreement in any way. My hand has been forced, and I am now doing some very deep soul searching. I really am a good person, and I really care about others. I am just so sad. I have seen so much hypocrisy and I'm confused. I know that I probably sound like a baby, but I really don't know what is true anymore.
True religion???
by Cindyrenee inis there a true religion?
is there a religion that really puts god first, that really cares about its followers, that really adheres to bible principles?
i have no hope anymore.
Thank you all. I will definately call for the packet that MaryMagdalene gave me the number for. I am so tired of the fear factor, do this, don't do that, or you will be destroyed. My thoughts were never "What is in it for m?" I never wanted anything more than to live my way in such a way as to bring praise to my God, to help others, and to be a good person. There are so many doctrines that I believe, but I do not stt the "love" that shoud be there. Thank you all for your hlep in this. Cindy
True religion???
by Cindyrenee inis there a true religion?
is there a religion that really puts god first, that really cares about its followers, that really adheres to bible principles?
i have no hope anymore.
Is there a true religion? Is there a religion that really puts God first, that really cares about its followers, that really adheres to Bible principles? I just need to know. I have no hope anymore. I thought for twenty years I had found "the truth". Is ianything real? Is there a truth? Has anybody found it?
Please help! Child custody
by Cindyrenee ini am looking for the book the sociey gives to help witnesses with custody cases.
found one link, but could not get it to download.
thank you so very much.
She is in Nebraska. She has an attorney, he is very nice, willing to accept payments. He has a good heart and is genuinely concerned with helping her. He just doesn't know much about these particular kinds of cases. Most people dont'. Thank you all for your help. She is in Nebr
Please help! Child custody
by Cindyrenee ini am looking for the book the sociey gives to help witnesses with custody cases.
found one link, but could not get it to download.
thank you so very much.
Thank you! I have been inactive for several years. Didn't want to be df'd because my daughter's husband would never let me see her or the children. My daughter tried to quietly leave and take her children, but.......her husband found a devious attorney who stated, "We are going to squash her like a bug." She was totally rejected by the congregation, of course. They tried to shame her into going back to the KH, to the point of having her commited. She was released after 48 hours; she was depressed, suffering from post partum blues, and the guilt of "What is wrong with me? " , but is not mentally ill, unless not wanting to be a witness anymore classifies you as such. She was completely alone, 450 miles from her family; she knew nobody except JWs, including her husband's family who all shunned her. She was left alone, isolated with a four year old, and one year old triplets. The congregation turned on her, and our family with such a vicious, hateful, slanderous attitude; writing depositions that were totally lies, evil. I was shocked. I never expected the lies and deceit. Anyway, she managed to leave, but not with the children. She has joint legal custody with reasonable rights of visitation. He has physical custody, and states "reasonable rights" is what he deems reasonable. Her five year old son was crying the other day because, "I don't want you to die Mommy." She assured him she is not dying. He said, "Yes you are, because you don't love Jehovah." Her husband switched doctors without telling her, and refuses to let her have the children on any holidays. She consulted an attorney who told her she had every right to pick the children up for Chrismas, since she has not had them for ANY holiday this last year. She did. Now her husband's lawyer has filed contempt of court charges, stating that she agreed to having the children raised as JW's. She never agreed to this. Anyway, they are going back to court, and HE brought up the religious issue. We talked to Mr. Magnani, but there is no way we can afford his fees, would love to have his help, but......having been witnesses for many years doesn't make you a well to do person. Any advice will be deeply appreciated. Sorry this is so long. -
Please help! Child custody
by Cindyrenee ini am looking for the book the sociey gives to help witnesses with custody cases.
found one link, but could not get it to download.
thank you so very much.
I am looking for the book the sociey gives to help witnesses with custody cases. Found one link, but could not get it to download. Thank you so very much.