Iam going to give it go.
Who told you it (the bible) is God's Word? When and how did you conclude that a conviction based on 'faith' could or should be considered A FACT?
There is not one single bit of evidence that the bible is what it claims to be. Only guesses, surmize, interpretations, and conjecture. Nothing solid, nothing that anyone who exercises common sense, or his/her reasoning abilities can point to, that proves that it is a message from God himself.
Now you can start spouting scripture, stories, history, as described in the bible.........but can't you see these have little to do with the real issue.....Inspired utterances from the creator himself, must stand on their own worth, simply because the author is who he is. Get it, there should be no question about his intent or meaning, there should be no ambiguity, no room for myriads of interpretations. If the bible is the work of god, it should resolve man's questions and anxieties. Instead it heaps coals of hatred, insights wars, strife of all sorts.
Atributing the bible to God, makes him part and parcel of the woes this man made compilation of 66 books has wrought on mankind for the last 2000 years.
If I were God.....I would make sure to have nothing to do with this book of derision and hate.
**** If you reject God's Word, aren't you rejecting God Himself?**** Can you see the circular reasoning in this question????????????