As we all know, The Lord Jehovah causes expectation to arise regarding certain dates. These expectations have usually resulted in the members of the Organization, erroneously, expecting the Apocalypse to arrive on those dates.
1914 was such a year. The church in its overenthusiasm expected Armaggedon that year, but God planned that Jesus would "return" and assume authority in the heavenlies instead.
1918 was another year when the membership, longing urgently to see their Lord, misinterpreted events and expected Armaggedon. But Gods foreordained intent in 1918 was to cause the sleeping saints to rise.
We all know about 1925 and the expectation that Moses and King David would move into positions of service once brought back to life after the Big A. But according to the 1938 "Organization" Watchtower articles THe Lord caused his Antitypical Temple to be inaugurated in that year.
Then of course there was the great expectation of 1975.....What great spiritual event occured in that year?