What's the latest on us seeing the video???
Can't wait
i asked them about the child molestation issue, & they just gave me the same old rap about "we're not discouraged from going to the police, blah, blah blah.
i said, fine, for the last 6mo.
besides i did'nt ask about that, i asked why mandatory reporters are not reporting.
What's the latest on us seeing the video???
Can't wait
as many of you may be aware, i am disfellowshipped and live in the same city as my daughter...we work a block away from each other in downtown vancouver.
occasionally, i drop flowers off at the reception desk for her, with my home card, my business card, etc.
well, today was the day when i decided to take it a step further.
Jeeez, what an experience.
My heart goes out to you.
yes, .
stay tuned for part 2 of 2 where the "anointed token is revealed" !!
So, this thread is merely a "token" of things to come??
part 2: how do they really know they are anointed?
mystery religion?
when i first became a jw, my jw mentor told me that one of the sins of christendom was that they are part of babylon the great, the "mystery" religion.
Good to see your posts more frequently again...
I'm a bit puzzled by this comment:
Simply put, ANY JW can become Anointed by self-determination ... and that is how it is done
If your point is that "...this is how it REALLY works.....", I think I see where you're coming from...BUT: The annointed I had contact with ALL CLAIMED to have the "token" in the form of a strong internal "thing" if you will internally that EXTERNALLY convinced them they had "the calling".......if memory serves, this is the thrust of Watchtower teaching, is it not? So this leads me to the thought that since Jehovah's Witnesses DON'T have any special blessing from God, any claimed "annointing" in connection with the group is baloney (sorry).
Your comment suggests to me that Watchtower publications in effect endorse the concept of "self determination" as you put it....if you mean this in the sense that nobody can test them one way or the other, I got it...........but if you mean the person CHOOSES this, like you can select a meal, I don't recall that...
I've found your posts to be ALWAYS well thought out, and inciteful, can't say the same for my thinking/posts!
i clearly see that jw's are constantly being told to only associate with fellow believers if at all humanly possible.
there is to be either no association or at the minimum, very little socializing with non-witnesses.
in your opinion, what does this produce?
Minimus, you've really been "pushing my buttons" lately ....I don't post much, but somehow this thread and the one about being "screwed up" have got me thinking about stuff that's been buried....
I agree with all the points made here, well said everyone. I always appreciate the depth of understanding and ability to express stuff that I see here on Simon's site. It's a comfort, it really is. (Reminding myself that I'm not alone)
after reading so many experiences about how being a jw affected a person's life, i wonder how your life has turned out because you were at one time a witness.
Yes, well expressed, fjtoth.
after reading so many experiences about how being a jw affected a person's life, i wonder how your life has turned out because you were at one time a witness.
Yes, you are right about there being SOME benefits to living in a "Witness world", but I believe you are mistaken to emphasize them. Why? Because the OTHER STUFF THAT GOES ON is like 1,000 times more damaging than a little "beneficial" stuff.
Witness like to say (actually "brag") that they're more moral, honest, polite, etc. etc. whatever than the world in general. I sincerely believe this is false.......they may have the APPEARANCE of such, but the reality is that they're no better, and in my view even WORSE than the "average" worldly person....
Since leaving, have I encountered unprincipled folks? You bet...but not so many as those I knew of in the "truth".....in my last 5 yeas of association, I knew of adulterers, drug users, fornicators, embezzelers, child molestors, perverts, thieves, liars, and other types WITHIN THE CONGREGATION (yes, they were "dealt with"..that's how I know about their existence)...but to suggest that Witness congregations are some haven of morality is totally contrary to my first-hand knowledge.
after reading so many experiences about how being a jw affected a person's life, i wonder how your life has turned out because you were at one time a witness.
One of your best questions, Minimus
Like many others around here, I deeply regret the decades I spent as a Witness. What a waste! Not utterly without benefit, certainly, but such a waste. Little planning for the future (financially especially), years and years spent looking at the "world" through religious "glasses" that distorted reality.....while the people and the world around me underwent changes, improvements, and progress I remained oblivious to so much and misunderstood so much. I grew from a young child, through my teenage years, and now into my 50's without REALLY UNDERSTANDING LIFE.
To a degree, my parents (Witnesses) played a role here, in that they inculcated the "party line" into me for many many years....the result being I bought the whole program hook, line, and sinker. I was a true-blue, dedicated, down-to-my-socks-I've-got-the-TRUTH kind of man. I lived and breathed "The Truth"......but, as I say, WHAT A WASTE!!!
Did that "screw me up" as Minimus puts it? You better believe it, pal. I've learned to make so many changes since I left, but many have been very hard and gut-wrenching. Writing this comment and feeling the anger build up inside me, and the bitterness, reminds me that some stuff remains to be dealt with (inside me).
But, life is getting better and better......example (tongue-in-cheek): I even go days without checking in on what's being said around here LOL.
Best wishes to all, and especially to any lurkers who are thinking of leaving....my advice: DO IT!!!!! Sooner, rather than later....
before july 2002. .
they are always welcome to return to the faith if they reject the improper course of conduct for which they were disfellowshipped.. today:do you shun former members?.
Great post, Iz.
Great comments from all, too.
I'm sort of speechless with indignation at the WTBTS.....such double-talk, such BS, etc. Perhaps such changes, documented here will help folks who are slow to "see" the Witness organization for what it truly is, a fraud.
on july 20, 1969, as commander of the apollo 11 lunar module, neil armstrong was the first person to set foot on the moon.
his first words after stepping on the moon, "that's one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind", were televised to earth and heard by millions.
but just before he reentered the lander, he made the enigmatic remark: "good luck, mr.
NASA received so many inquiries about this they put up a web page that debunks it with both a written and audio transcript. But it's STILL a great story, eh?