I can't add anything much that hasn't already been said, except for:
Sometimes I made the mistake of mentioning some of the "picking-on" I got at school to my dad, and he'd berate me for not "handling it right" (not giving a good enough "witness" to the other kids), and demand that I do so-and-so the next day at school.....(e.g.: confronting the other kids, complaining to the teachers/administration; standing up for "Jehovah")....so in adddition to being picked on/belittled/criticized/ostracized at school (I was the only Witness kid for almost all my public school years), I had to take it at home, too. No, he never once understood how very hard it was to be different.
I dealt with it by "stretching" to my dad and by trying to remember to keep stuff to myself...... Then, too I dealt with it by resolving NEVER TO HAVE A KID who would have to go through what I went through..........
Like Minimus asked in recent thread: "Were you screwed up by being a Witness?"....Answer: YES
Lurkers note: Even though it's been decades since these events, I can still remember it like it was yesterday. And before you start thinking I never "made the truth my own", read my bio sketch (click on my name).