Thanks for the links XJW...
I see that I missed the boat on this earlier....
Thanks guys. Between you 2 and Blondie, why would I ever need to actually read the mags
I wanna add a "thanks from ME TOO"
taken from the feb 4 2004 almost awake mag.
so it's ok for nominal christians but not ones who want to keep free from practises with pagan origins.
one thing the watchtower society has managed to do is to create a pool of talented, articulate and witty speakers.
what happens to them when they leave the society?
some of them post here and on other forums.
Yes, sometimes I wish I could DO SOMETHING constructive to help.
Public speaking is among the very few advantages I have garnered for myself from my internment as a witness
LOL @ Freeman...well said [emphasis mine]
Nic: Your comments bring to mind yet again the frustration so many of us feel about wanting to help others (current JWs) understand the "big picture", but recognizing the obstacles in really reaching the target audience... What are you thinking about, in terms of a venue? I hear of some who give presentations at local churches. This certainly would help anyone their who was thinking of checking out the dubbie world, but of course wouldn't reach the Witnesses themselves.....
taken from the feb 4 2004 almost awake mag.
so it's ok for nominal christians but not ones who want to keep free from practises with pagan origins.
at a meeting-------what would it have been?
i can imagine making a comment at the watchtower study after reading blondie's review and spouting some of her research from the publications to mess everybody up or give a public talk and say something like," as we all know, the society has blundered many, many dates in the past and given some false prophecies, too-----but that doesn't mean we should stop trusting them, now does it????
Well amazingly this is about something I learned to say years later, but heard someone else say it first........LOL.
During a Public Talk one Sunday, a begrizzled older gentleman in the audience, dressed neatly but lacking a tie (i.e. not a "regular") became indignant at a point the speaker made about earthly governments.
He got up to leave the building, saying in a voice loud enough for just about everyone to hear: "...This ain't nothin' but BULL SH%$...."
Little did I realize at the time I'd one day share his opinion.........
taken from the feb 4 2004 almost awake mag.
so it's ok for nominal christians but not ones who want to keep free from practises with pagan origins.
"When considering whether to include a pinata at a social gathering, Christians should be sensitive to the conscience of others. (1Cor 10:31-33) A main concern is, not what it meant hundreds of years ago, but how it is viewed today in your area . Understandably, opinions may vary from one place to another. Hence, it is wise to avoid turning such matters into big issues."
Just wondering where this quote is from?
Jeeez, this line caught my eye:
Hence, it is wise to avoid turning such matters into big issues."
I can't hardly believe they could write that with a straight face.
is there any place on the web or on usenet at which i can download the latest watchtower library cd-rom?
thanks much.
january 4, 2004
to: all congregations and traveling overseers
dear brothers,
What's the last image you included in your post? I can view the title (it intrigues), but the image is just a red "x"...
Just wondering.
LadyLee recently posted a great "how-to" on images, I'll try and find it and post a link...
what to do in a terrorist attack
the us government has a new website,
it's another attempt at scare mongering in the style of the old "duck and cover" advice after wwii.. .
of all the assinine comments that are made by rank-and-file jehovah's witnesses i've got to conclude that among the dumbest are comments to the effect that if it wasn't for this religion (the jws) there would be no reason to act in an ethically moral fashion.
take my sister, for instance.
she once related that if it wasn't for the truth tm there would be "no reason" not to have sex outside of marriage.
I've heard that same kind of stuff from Witnesses, too.
Reminded me of the following I heard somewhere:
Morality is doing what is right no matter what you are told. Religion is doing what you're told, no matter what is right.
I've noticed that some ex-Witnesses seem to "jump off the deep end" you might say, conduct-wise. I think it's because they/we became so focused on "rules" and "regulations" that we missed the much more important issues connected with true morality, and after leaving, there's nothing to 'hold em back'.