If it wasn't for the Truth why would anyone be moral?

by logansrun 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • logansrun

    Of all the assinine comments that are made by rank-and-file Jehovah's Witnesses I've got to conclude that among the dumbest are comments to the effect that if it wasn't for this religion (the JWs) there would be no reason to act in an ethically moral fashion.

    Take my sister, for instance. She once related that if it wasn't for the Truth tm there would be "no reason" not to have sex outside of marriage. A ministerial servant I once knew said that if he was not a JW "of course" (emphasis added) he would sleep around. One elder -- my presiding overseer! -- said that if he was "out in the world" he wouldn't even get married. He would just have SEX, SEX, SEX.

    Okay, is it just me or does anyone else see the absolute shallowness in such a position? What these folks are saying is that the ONLY THING holding them back from a life of wonton sensuality is this religion. Just because some Guy Upstairs says you can't do this thing -- you don't do it. No other reason is sufficient. If that's not operating from the lowest common denominator of morality I don't know what is.

    Now, I'm not a JW anymore. Hell, I'm 99% atheist and even I see that a life of total hedonism is not the way to go. I don't believe in an "anything goes" morality not because I fear a building falling on me and destroying myself at Armageddon but because I realise that that is not the greatest thing one can hope for in life. Total hedonism leads to frustration even if there is no God to punish you.

    So, there you have it. The real reason why JayDubs behave "morally" -- fear. One wonders if a God could even be satisfied with such cowardly obedience.


  • IronGland

    You're doing good, but I think you need a drink or two and maybe a trip to an amusement park or the beach or something.

  • dannyboy


    I've heard that same kind of stuff from Witnesses, too.

    Reminded me of the following I heard somewhere:

    Morality is doing what is right no matter what you are told.

    Religion is doing what you're told, no matter what is right.

    I've noticed that some ex-Witnesses seem to "jump off the deep end" you might say, conduct-wise. I think it's because they/we became so focused on "rules" and "regulations" that we missed the much more important issues connected with true morality, and after leaving, there's nothing to 'hold em back'.


  • logansrun

    Well, I'm ready for a good lay that's all I know.


  • Aztec

    Bradley, you just have to accept that Hobbes was correct. Humans are inherantly selfish and will do whatever is in their best interest. It's not in most of our best interests to lead lives of hedonism.

    The problem with dub's is that most of them believe in moral absolutes. A shame really.


  • logansrun


    Now, if that wasn't an invitation for an argument from me I don't know what is! Hobbes was mistaken. Moral absolutes do exist. Thank you very much.

    Bradigorical Imperitive

  • drwtsn32

    I've heard this same thing from my mom...morality would not exist without religion. I told her "Sorry, but I can figure out right from wrong and act in the appropriate way without threats of punishment from God." Really, is following some moral code anything to be proud of if you're only doing it because you fear punishment?

    Of course when a dub hears "I can figure right from wrong for myself," they instantly identify your satanic thinking.

  • Mysterious

    The problem is the JWs never had to develop other reasons. They knew what they could and could not do and they needn't think long or hard and make thier own decisions. So for them only one reason exists, that they are forbidden. You take away their sole reason and they snap. Except of course for those who are smart enough to rethink the issues themselves and weigh all sides.

  • Aztec

    Ahem, you, sir, are a dweeb.

    Oh and you're wrong too.


    PS: before anyone thinks I'm berating Bradley, he knows I love him and I have to tease him once in awhile. The fact that I felt compelled to say the previous is a bit worrying though.

  • drwtsn32
    The problem with dub's is that most of them believe in moral absolutes.

    Uh oh! Not this again!

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