No way.
What "no way" ??
march 8, 2004
to: all bodies of elders, circuit and district overseers
dear brothers,
No way.
What "no way" ??
did our letter-writing campaign work?
here are some lovely instructions drafted by syn, and hosted by valis, on how to navigate to the site yourself.. http://www.sassquatch.com/syn/un_ngo_letter/.
Well done, well thought out.
Haven't visited their in quite a while, you've got LOTS of good stuff up there.
Yeah, I'm guessing I'm the last one to notice......
Thanks for your tireless efforts, Randy. You are truly a Pioneer in the best sense of the word
march 8, 2004
to: all bodies of elders, circuit and district overseers
dear brothers,
Great emoticons (as usual).
No, never heard of anyone df'd for gluttony.
I'm reminded of the points in Ray Franz's book "In Search of Christian Freedom". The Witness's ban on the use of tobacco is to me an example of their over-reaching what the Scriptures say, and delving into the murky ground of "applying" principles. Each of us has the responsibility to decide such stuff for ourselves, without interference from religious authorities.
Same with eating, I'd say, not to mention the many folks who are overweight despite their best efforts to not be.......
<<<didn't notice the pizza slices choices.......seems like an appropriate choice for this thread LOL.
march 8, 2004
to: all bodies of elders, circuit and district overseers
dear brothers,
Regarding this supposed inconsistency, please see the Questions From Readers in the WT of 5-1-86
I don't have immediate access to this Question From Readers (QFR), which if memory serves, emphasized that it was important to not be a glutton, and that one could be disfellowshipped for gluttony.......but I think you're missing my point.
In 1986, when that QFR was published, being overweight was a health issue, yes, but not recognized as nearly as deadly as smoking.
THAT is the news these days, years ago the Society banned the use of tobacco, even requiring those who owned tobacco allotments to abandon those, out of regard for how "bad" the use of tobacco was. So the point remains: to be consistent, since being overweight is just as deadly, in fact the prediction is that it will soon be more deadly than the use of tobacco, they should disfellowship for being overweight.
[Edited to add a couple 'o grins...]
march 8, 2004
to: all bodies of elders, circuit and district overseers
dear brothers,
Here's a news story about this issue...... (Yellow highlight added)
Study: We're Eating Ourselves to Death
CHICAGO (AP) - Inactive Americans are eating themselves to death at an alarming rate, their unhealthy habits fast approaching tobacco as the top underlying preventable cause of death, a government study found.
In 2000, poor diet including obesity and physical inactivity caused 400,000 U.S. deaths - more than 16 percent of all deaths and the No. 2 killer. That compares with 435,000 for tobacco, or 18 percent, as the top underlying killer.
The gap between the two is substantially narrower than in 1990, when poor diet and inactivity caused 300,000 deaths, 14 percent, compared with 400,000 for tobacco, or 19 percent, says a report from the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
"This is tragic," said Dr. Julie Gerberding, CDC's director and an author of the study. "Our worst fears were confirmed."
"It's going to overtake tobacco" if the trend continues, Gerberding said. "At CDC, we're going to do everything we can to prevent it," she said. "Obesity has got to be job No. 1 for us in terms of chronic diseases."
The researchers analyzed data from 2000 for the leading causes of death and for those preventable factors known to contribute to them. Like tobacco, obesity and inactivity increase the risks for the top three killers: heart disease, cancer and cerebrovascular ailments including strokes. Obesity and inactivity also strongly increase the risk of diabetes, the sixth leading cause of death.
The results appear in Wednesday's Journal of the American Medical Association.
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services officials discussed the findings Tuesday at a Washington news briefing where they announced a public service ad campaign using humor to get Americans to pay attention to the dangers of inactivity and obesity.
"I am working very hard at CDC to walk the talk," Gerberding said in a telephone interview, noting efforts the agency has made at CDC offices to improve the health of its 9,000-plus employees.
They include putting music, lights and fresh paint jobs in stairwells to encourage employees to use the stairs for exercise. Also, besides the current indoor smoking ban, CDC will ban smoking from outside all of its buildings starting later this year.
In order, the leading causes of death in 2000 were: Heart disease, cancer, strokes and other cerebrovascular disease, chronic lower respiratory disease, unintentional injuries, diabetes, influenza and pneumonia, Alzheimer's disease, kidney disease, and septicemia.
The underlying preventable causes of death were, in order: tobacco, poor diet and physical inactivity, alcohol, microbial agents, toxic agents, motor vehicles, firearms, sexual behavior and illegal drug use. Together, these accounted for about half of all 2.4 million U.S. deaths in 2000.
An editorial accompanying the study in JAMA says national leadership and policy changes are needed to help curb preventable causes of death.
"After all, wisdom is knowing what to do next. Virtue is doing it," said editorial authors Drs. J. Michael McGinnis and William Foege. McGinnis is with the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and Foege is with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
march 8, 2004
to: all bodies of elders, circuit and district overseers
dear brothers,
Hey everyone:
The above "Elders Only letter" is a satire, prompted by hearing reports here in the US today that being overweight is almost as deadly long-term as the use of tobacco.
So, since the Society banned the use of tobacco because of the health effects, to be consistent, they should do the same to anybody who's overweight.
It is intended to sound "real", and the shocking thing is it's a bit believable, right? That ought to tell you somethin'!
It is not intended to denigrate or poke fun at anyone who is not the weight they like, and I doubt anyone who reads the whole thing will take it that way, but if you find it otherwise, I apologize.
[Edited to add: Double posted with Valis, yes, that's the news report I refer to]
march 8, 2004
to: all bodies of elders, circuit and district overseers
dear brothers,
Is this a joke?
Er, sorry.....tongue planted firmly in cheek.......guess it's more subtle than I was thinking....
My thought was that the "Miracle Wheat" thing would give "it" away
march 8, 2004
to: all bodies of elders, circuit and district overseers
dear brothers,
March 8, 2004
Dear Brothers,
We are writing at this time to advise you of an upcoming adjustment that will affect first of all those who are being used in an exemplary way in the congregation, and later all of those who associate with us.
For many years, Jehovah God, through his visible organization has reminded all of us of the need to keep our bodies healthy and properly fit to the best of our individual abilities for theocratic service. Timely reminders have been provided on the need to bathe regularly, and to keep ourselves free from overindulgence in alcoholic beverages (if we choose to drink them at all), and to be watchful of what we take in to our bodies. After recognizing the indisputable harm that comes from the use of tobacco products, all of Jehovah?s people have been clean from this particular contamination for decades.
Scientific studies are continuing to show a firm link between obesity and harmful health effects. Some have wondered if we are as serious about over-eating as we are about the use of tobacco. It would seem that a fresh look at the issue of being overweight is now warranted, and that an adjustment in our previous policies is in order.
Although we have repeatedly called attention to the effects of over-eating through pointed remarks in both the Watchtower and Awake! Magazines, some have continued to remain overweight. We believe we can assist these brothers and sisters best by implementing a strict weight control regime.
Beginning in September 2004, the body of elders should complete a survey of all baptized publishers, which will include a noting of both their height and weight. Then, after consulting a Society-provided chart, a notation will be made on their Publisher?s Record Card of whether or not they are overweight.
Firstly, those Elders and Ministerial Servants found to be outside of the ?normal weight? range as indicated on the chart will be given appropriate counsel to help them see the importance of maintaining proper weight. They will be allowed a 6 month period in which to bring their weight down in compliance with the requirements.
Then, beginning in April 2005, the same general policy will be applied to all baptized publishers in the congregation.
What if, after 6 months a particular person?s weight is still higher than that shown in the Society?s guideline chart? Unless some extraordinary circumstances exist, they should be disfellowshipped as unrepentantly persisting in a God-dishonoring course.
We recognize that this new policy will result in quite a large number of disfellowshippings, and probably also in a significant decrease in the number of elders and ministerial servants, as reports indicate that a significant number of you brothers are quite obese.
This revised policy should remind all of us of how important it is that we give serious consideration to what we eat, how we eat, and when we eat, to continue as vessels fit to serve our loving creator, Jehovah God.
To assist all of us in this worthy endeavor, we are pleased to let you know that arrangements are being made to provide an updated ?Miracle Wheat? product through the congregations. Like the earlier wheat of Pastor Russell?s day, this food product will promote healthy living, and allow great weight reductions if used exclusively. We will provide more information on ordering this product and the approved weight guideline charts in due time.
With you in serving Jehovah as a slim, well-proportioned people,
Your brothers,
did our letter-writing campaign work?
here are some lovely instructions drafted by syn, and hosted by valis, on how to navigate to the site yourself.. http://www.sassquatch.com/syn/un_ngo_letter/.
Perhaps you missed the point of my earlier post in which I made that comment you refer to about "hope". I was lamenting the difficulties in getting Witnesses to hear about this UN thing, let alone think about it. The hope expressed is sincere, however unlikely it is occur
We're on the same page, re: How very difficult it is to "get through" to Witnesses, and that this latest "scandal" will probably be, as you have experienced, passed off with generalities by many Witnesses.
I'm asking myself how *I* would likely have handled information like this, had I received it while a "loyal Witness". Actually, I *did* get some stuff like this, but brushed it off, as your work-mate did.
I persist in thinking that there are some Witnesses, for whatever reason, who, upon reading about this latest development, will "finally" start to get it........
[Edited to add: Hi Avi!]
kinda curious as to what the front desk is saying?