I'm so sorry to hear of this, Bonezz.
excuse me if i ramble...this is hard.
i have even avoided threads in the past where others have had to go thru this because i didn't want to face it.
guess i'm a wuss.
I'm so sorry to hear of this, Bonezz.
Terri your appreciation for Carey is comin' through........I bet you got ALL the Ace Ventura flicks.....
My favorites: "Allllllrighteeeeeeee then.....", "If I'm not back in 10 minutes.................wait longer...." "...Man, you are one pathetic loser".....
it seemed like every kh had at least one?
someone who pronounced jehovah as jehover.
did you hear this at your kh.
In ancient times, that was the way it was pronounced in Israel's poor, Southern Districts.
LOL @ Farkel
Personally, never heard "Jehover" till I started hanging out 'round here
i have been reading the publication, "pay attention to yourself and to all the flock',
under the subject of the "proper view of disfellowshipped and disassociated persons.
unit 5 (a), it says, " the principle set forth in jesus' words, at matthew 10:34-38 has a bearing on situations involving disfellowshepped or disassociated relatives.
(((( Orangefatcat ))))
My heart goes out to you.
It is hard sometimes in situations like this to really know what's going on in say, your Mom's mind.....would you consider just goin' to the hospital and just letting her know your heartfelt concern for her?? You're kind of damned if you do and damned if you don't, but I'm suggesting that you'd always wonder what the response from her might be if you never gave it a try.....Your concern and love has shown brilliantly in your postings here about this, I'm certain you'd have no difficulty getting the same point accross to her in person....
I misunderstood your question(s) earlier, by the way. Even according to Witness logic [sic], there is no way you would properly be told to butt out under these circumstances....of course your brother in law may have strong feelings otherwise, but as you have already figured out, he is a moron and an insensitive jerk, even for a Witness elder.....
did you know that page 99 of "pay attention...." (the elders' manual) states that a person who has not associated for a while is basically exempt from discipline?
essentially if you attend a judicial hearing or respond to the elders you are admitting accountability to the "christian congregation.
" therefore, if you walk away from the congregation and simply ignore the elders for long enough and exert no influence on the members, they don't have to pursue you, even if they hear of serious sin.
Two factors to keep in mind here: (Commenting on those desiring to "fade away"....others may choose an "in your face" type departure, but there are valid reasons to fade: Allowing for some contact with family members still "in", for example....
1. As others have said: Bodies of Elders vary in their agressiveness on this issue, but keep in mind point 2:
2. The less contact/influence somebody a "walk-away" has on the congregation, the more the elders will be inclinded to busy themselves with other things. Yes, of course, some bodies of elders will be way out of range with their effort to give you trouble, so this doesn't apply with equal force everywhere. But in my own case, and in others I know about, if you keep a low profile. When you see Witnesses in a casual setting, like at the store and you make insulting remarks or say things like "Oh, are you still with that damn cult?" you can count on it being viewed as a threat, and from getting pursued (Obvious to most of us, but I think it needs to be mentioned). A strategy that has worked for me is just being too busy to talk to them, with courtesy and politeness. Yes, we may have strong feelings about our former life, but for most of us, it's the system, not ALL witnesses/elders in general....
There are posters on this board who are have followed point #2 above, and who openly are leading lives at variance with what they did as Witnesses (celebrating Birthdays and Christmas for example), and yet are (so far) un-bothered by "witch-hunt" type activities by the elders.
My two cents.
does anyone know if there was "new light" presented in late 1996 or 1997 that would be reason for someone to leave the wts or step down as an elder?
i have a personal reason for wanting to know.. thanks.
About that time there were several letters to the Elders dealing with the situation/status of Elders and Ministerial Servants where it was known that they had been guilty of child molestation in the past but that had been reappointed. We didn't have anybody in that category, but I think that the Society wanted to know the details on such a person, and if the Elders felt he was somebody that, to put it bluntly I guess was "reliable" and unlikely to commit that particular henious sin.
I recall at least two letters on this issue, a second clarifying the first.
Anyway, to address your specific question, an Elder who had been guilty in the past of molestation, even though he had "repented", been removed, built his "reputation" back up, and gotten re-appointed as an Elder might have had to step down if there were current questions raised about him in this connection.....
Not sure if this helps....
are there any things you threw away when you became a witness that you now regret throwing away?
Josephthedrunkbastardpeice of poop
Who the heck is that?? Inquiring minds want to know. Perhaps an oblique reference to the Judge?
are there any things you threw away when you became a witness that you now regret throwing away?
....I still got my bookbag and volumes back to 54'
HAH Gumby...
I kept my stuff until a couple of months ago, thought about selling it on EBay or something....but then I felt like I didn't want anybody else to suffer from contact with it (like I did)....LOL Then I wondered about keeping it for "research"...but with Blondie and all the others who are so good at posting relevant quotes, well there was just no reason to keep it all, plus I needed the space HAH.
VERY theraputic for me to toss it out.....a crossing of a bridge for me.
i want to know what criminal extent they have gone to to "get" you.
i know of them spying, shadowing, etc.
to get their way.
It's David Bowie's Diamond dogs album cover.
Er, well, just showin' my ignorance (again).....
i have been reading the publication, "pay attention to yourself and to all the flock',
under the subject of the "proper view of disfellowshipped and disassociated persons.
unit 5 (a), it says, " the principle set forth in jesus' words, at matthew 10:34-38 has a bearing on situations involving disfellowshepped or disassociated relatives.
Panda's post reminded me that I got all caught up in trying to answer your question and missed the most important thing of all....your mom being in the hospital.
Panda put things elegantly and thoughtfully, and echos my thoughts as well.