The hardest thing for me about making new friends after leaving was getting it out of my head that *ALL* worldly people were evil, dishonest, creepy, thieving, God-hating, duplicitious, lying bastards who would corrupt me in the blink of an eye.
For sure, *SOME* people are very much like the above description. But there are lots of decent people out there who make great friends, they try hard to be good people/parents/friends.
Most of my new friends I met through work-related contacts/activities.
A few current friends tried to be "friends" with me while I was a dubbie (to no avail)....and they find me more likeable since my "change" LOL.
Relax, be yourself, "trust but verify", and enjoy expanding your circle of new friends who will probably accept you for who you are, not for what you're "suposed to be".
Edited to add: Now that I think about it, I've met far *fewer* worldly types of the kind in my first paragraph above since I've left then when I was "in" the organization. Sure, *most* witnesses are not like that, but a surprisingly high percentage have personalities/traits/faults that repell.
JoinedPosts by dannyboy
Making new friends after fading
by M@el5trom inwhat are some good methods for finding and making new friends after fading away?
i know this is critical to help myself and my wife to move on, and we both have suffered from depression partly because we are isolated to each other for now.
we are good friends, but we both feel the need for others also.
Recommend a film
by Satans little helper inno big hollywood blockbusters, no explosion fests, just good films with a decent cast and a decent script.
definitely nothing with keanu reeves and preferably something that will touch the audience rather than just wash over them.
timeframe immaterial but quality is important.
"Waking Ned Devine"
--Dan -
What Was Your Greatest "Privilege" In The Organization?
by minimus inwas it being able to join the theocratic ministry school?
being a regular pioneer?
"handling microphones"?
Well I had lots of "privileges" and for many many years, but there's a lot of regret/anger as I reflect on them now:
Reading through the above posts, I'm struck with how many of you, who the Organization would have termed "rank and file" Witnesses saw through the whole thing and left....and I'm also struck with how I *didn't* see "it" (for a long long time)........perhaps somewhat blinded by the very "privileges" I had.....
My hat is off (so to speak)to those of you who left early-on in your Witness life.
Yet another interesting question, Min.
---Dan -
JWD - Five years old and still going strong !
by Simon infive years sure goes by fast ....
we're busy as ever and there are lots of plans for the future.
there will be some changes in the coming week or so which i will announce later.. in the meantime, happy birthday to us
Happy Birthday to JWD. Thank you Simon for all your hard work and perseverance over the years. This forum has had a positive effect on my life, for which i'm thankful. ---Dan
What does it take to be an MS these days?
by Pwned inhaving a pulse and not missing meetings?
my grandfather is an ms and i know for a fact that he is not the picture perfect jw.
he doesnt do anything wrong but he is no bastion of spirituality either.
LOL @ Blondie
You know you're a JW when....
by Preston inyou know that d.c. isn?t the capital where the president of the united states lives .
a pioneer isn?t an 1800?s historical figure who traveled the west.
the majority of books in your parent?s bookshelf have years on them.
...You never think electronics when you hear "Circuit"
Defending and Legally Establishing the Truth - Barb Anderson
by Dogpatch infrom barbara anderson:.
it appeared in the december 8, 1991 awake!
Excellent, excellent, excellent. Go get 'em. ---Dan
My email to CBS Morning News about the JW PSA
by BONEZZ inwhen i first saw the jw psa i fired an email off to cbs.
this was my second email to them.
i haven't been up early enough lately to see if they ignored this one too but i'll check it out next week.
Tempers A Flare at "Quick Builds"
by orangefatcat inhave any of you noticed that when "quick built", kh.
were being done that many tempers flared amongst brothers.
some were vicious and cruel and rude.
Lots of egos in play at a Quick Build, with the inevitable clashes of personalities. For some years I participated on the administrative level, so I, too have seen amazing conflicts between the local "brothers" and the regional committee, with the occasional opinionated travelling overseer in the mix.
Lots of "politics" at work, too. Some tradesman with irritating/obnoxious/know-it-all personalities but who did things that were in short supply could get away with a lot more than those with similar traits who's skills were not as scarce.
While the whole idea of finishing off a project in just a few days makes a big "splash", it takes quite a toll financially and family-time-wise on those who participate month after month during the building season. I think this aspect is sometimes underplayed/overlooked.
To be fair, it is quite an accomplishment to build in this manner, and I recall being justifiably proud/satisfied at the outcome. In my experience, far more good experiences than bad during Quck Builds. Also, as on any building project, there are mistakes, mis-understandings, disagreements, and clashes of egos....but of course the back-drop of the "truth" brings such human failings into sharper focus, where those involved are supposed to behave in a better manner than the "world" would.
I've come to see the Quick Builds as yet another way Witnesses build-up the wealth of the Watchtower Society (the Society holds effective control of the finished building), and perpetuating the "more, more, more" mentality of those in charge....
My two cents,
The Tobacco Bombshell
by Dogpatch inthe tobacco bombshell
early in the decade of the 70?s, all jw?s were notified (in the tobacco-growing district) of a special meeting at the kingdom hall.
three representatives from wts, a district overseer and two circuit overseers delivered a symposium that brought an abrupt end for all jw?s working in the tobacco industry (whether selling cigarettes, manufacture, tobacco machinery, etc.
Thanks for posting this. I was aware of this policy (of getting out of the tobacco business or else), but not living in an area where it was grown, I'd never thought much about it until now.
It was a great read, and reminded me of all the "policies" that get handed down, and how some of them have a profound effect on folks.