August 28, 2006
Dear Brothers,
In our letter of July 5, 2006 we asked that all congregations arrange to have in the permanent file a listing of each Publisher’s telephone numbers, including his/her residence number(s), work number(s), and any mobile (such as cellular) number(s). We appreciate the hard work of you brothers in compiling such lists. With this letter we will explain how this information is to be utilized in connection with a new arrangement to guard the flock, and which will be announced to all congregations the third week of October, 2006 at the Service Meeting.
Reports from the field continue to show that a minority of dedicated Christians are engaging in conduct and practices in the privacy of their own homes that are in violation of Biblical principles and Christian standards. For example, some are continuing to use the Internet to search for apostate information concerning the Organization, despite loving counsel to the contrary. Also, not a few married Christians are engaging in sexual relations far more frequently than is Scripturally necessary, taking valuable time and energy away from Kingdom interests. Not to be overlooked are those who continue to watch questionable movies and other programs on television.
Therefore, to assist you brothers in shepherding the flock, we are instituting a new arrangement, actually a set of advanced electronic devices that will enable you to monitor each household’s activity. You will need to arrange to have these monitoring devices installed in each Publisher’s home in the following areas: Bedroom(s), Living Room, Family Room (if any), Dining Room (if any), Kitchen, and Bathroom(s). If you feel that additional rooms need monitoring, such as enclosed porches or garages and carports, you may arrange to install monitoring devices in those areas also, without contacting the Society.
If a member of the congregation works secularly, at least one monitoring device will need to installed in his/her work area. The same would be true of those with mobile telephones, a device would need to be installed in their vehicle(s).
How will these devices work? A detailed installation and operation manual will be provided later, but simply stated, the monitoring devices will provide both video and sound (sent to the Kingdom Hall’s new Monitoring Room (please refer to our letter of May 6, 2006) via the telephone system.
Who will monitor these images and sound? We are asking that the Presiding Overseer arrange on a rotation basis for the elders to share in observing the actions and speech of congregation members as displayed on the monitoring screens. A built-in taping system will be provided, so that questionable activity may be recorded and analyzed, and if needed, appropriate counsel and/or Judicial Committees may be formed to deal with what is revealed.
Much more information about this new arrangement will be forthcoming in next few weeks, including the “Agreement to Monitor My Personal Activity” card that each publisher will need to sign, witness and date. Also a new position to be filled if possible by an elder to be called the “Big Brother”.
We know you brothers will rejoice with us in appreciation for this new provision from Jehovah to help our brothers.
With you in dedicated Kingdom Service,
JoinedPosts by dannyboy
Elders Letter: Big Announcement/Why they want all the telephone #'s
by dannyboy inaugust 28, 2006 .
to all bodies of elders and traveling overseers
dear brothers, .
A question for ex-elders and possibly x-MS
by Lady Lee inbear with me.
where i live i have a large park under my window.
the park has a basketball court, a children's playground.
Lady Lee,
Did they have to take all the time that they did or was there a lot of gabbing going on.
In my experience, a heck of a lot of time was wasted in endless debates over trivial matters, and also wasted by most of my fellow elders not having much experience in thinking on their feet or in reasoning on stuff. For example, there was always a few elders who were literally a couple of minutes "behind" in the discussion, so to speak, with resultant time wasting re-hashing. Sometimes it was a lot like a religious "Dilbert" cartoon.....
The debates/discussions over trivial stuff bugged me. There is usually more than one acceptable way to do most anything, sometimes 10 different acceptable ways, but when you've got a room full of men who are full of themselves and their personal opinions, it is usually a slow process to decide much of anything, especially when most present can't see that unless a really important principle is involved, it's more important to get stuff decided and move on to the next issue.
Unlike a business-like atmosphere where all present try to be brief and concise, recognizing the time that is being spent/wasted, most elder's meetings are not very efficient. The Watchtower Society would like to paint the picture of thoughtful elder's meetings, with humble men who do their best to "care for the flock"....the reality is far different with "politics" being played, and power struggles and all the rest.
But what more could one expect of men who were/are mostly janitors and lawn-mowers (no offense) or other types with little practical experience in working smoothly with a group?
My two cents, I guess I veer off your subject, but these things just poured out of me just now.
-Dan -
Comments You Will Not Hear at the 6-25-06 WT Study (Survival)
by blondie inwho do the sons and daughter-in-laws represent (did they have children before the flood)?.
what does the ark represent?.
(2 peter 2:5) the true god gave righteous noah explicit instructions on how to build an ark for the preservation of life through a global flood.
Well done, Blondie [as usual]:
I must say there is always a painful "stinging" sensation for me when reading your reviews, as I remember only too well either "conducting" the congregation study of such baloney, or commenting enthusiastically from the audience.
I continue to marvel at how many (contradictory/false logic/misleading/arrogant, etc) issues [such as you call attention to] went right past me.
I especially appreciate your female take on things......having been in the "male congregational power structure" for many years and being thoroughly inculcated/brainwashed with the WT "line", I failed so many times to see the "bigger picture", including how life as a JW would have been as a woman. I tried hard to be a "good guy" [re: treatment of women], but know I failed many times because of unrecognized ignorance.
Thanks again for your insights.
Important Press Release tomorrow - want to take part webmasters and others?
by Dogpatch inwe are planning an important press release tomorrow to coincide with the special talk on sunday, it will be a shocker.
if you manage a website or are good at pr and email distribution, email me at [email protected].
we want as much wide coverage as possible and on as many websites as possible!.
weekend poll- which was the best Superbowl Advertisement
by stillajwexelder in.
weekend poll- which was the best superbowl advertisement.
i did not think any stood out this year - i thought they were all pretty average-
The FedEx ad was good, IMHO.
Watchtower petitions Google for censorship
by Fatfreek injwd news, feb 01, 2006 .
in a move not surprising to ex members of the pervasive sect known as jehovahs witnesses, the watchtower bible and tract society issued a censorship request to google -- the worlds largest internet search software company.
although it was a privately issued request, jwd news has obtained a copy of the formal request issued monday from one of watchtowers dissident factory workers.
HAH. Good one.
As one who enjoys and writes WT spoofs from time to time, I commend you.
Watchtower publications Quotes you'd like to share
by dannyboy inplease give examples of noteworthy quotations from publications of the watchtower society.
examples could include where they have contradicted themselves, have been inconsistent with logic, have been patronizing, or how what was written rocked you back.
think about quotes that would be helpful to a sincere witness or "newly interested" person in seeing the watchtower society for what it really is.
Wow, RIGHT ON folks!
Keep those QUOTES comin'....
There are plenty of lurkers who would benefit from these sorts of QUOTES, people who are interested in knowing and reading about the many noteworthy QUOTES from Watchtower publications.
Watchtower publications Quotes you'd like to share
by dannyboy inplease give examples of noteworthy quotations from publications of the watchtower society.
examples could include where they have contradicted themselves, have been inconsistent with logic, have been patronizing, or how what was written rocked you back.
think about quotes that would be helpful to a sincere witness or "newly interested" person in seeing the watchtower society for what it really is.
Here's an example of somethings that surprised me when I heard about them: For years Watchtower publications promoted various kinds of "weird" medical/health type products, such as the so-called "Miracle Wheat". To be sure, this was many years ago, but Witnesses today, with a straight face, will condemn the "snake-oil" salesman of religion today, perhaps not realizing that their own group did much the same in years past.
They also went on and on, negatively about vaccines. I wonder how many Witnesses suffered for following such mis-quided "counsel" from the Organization?
Then, too for years they spoke out against allowing an autopsy, comparing it to, as I recall, cannibalism. How many families suffered, following this mis-guided/wrong "counsel"?? Not knowing WHY a loved one suddenly died, for example?---Dan
Watchtower publications Quotes you'd like to share
by dannyboy inplease give examples of noteworthy quotations from publications of the watchtower society.
examples could include where they have contradicted themselves, have been inconsistent with logic, have been patronizing, or how what was written rocked you back.
think about quotes that would be helpful to a sincere witness or "newly interested" person in seeing the watchtower society for what it really is.
Please give examples of noteworthy quotations from publications of the Watchtower Society. Examples could include where they have contradicted themselves, have been inconsistent with logic, have been patronizing, or how what was written rocked you back. Think about quotes that would be helpful to a sincere Witness or "newly interested" person in seeing the Watchtower Society for what it really is.
If you have a specific quote to illustrate the point, please share it so we'll know what you're referring to, and perhaps can go and check the publication ourselves to be sure you're quoting it accurately. But you could also just paraphrase the point as you recall it from reading it.
----Dannyboy -
WTS Letter to Congregations re. HLC
by doinmypart in.
the christian congregation of jw sent a letter to all congregations regarding hospital liaison committees.
this letter will be read the week of january 30, 2006. i can email a pdf of the letter to someone willing to post it here.
Thanks DoinMyPart and Elsewhere.
A few thoughts: [references are to the letter posting linked earlier in this threadj]
Pg 3, point 2: Encourages Witnesses to use the Internet to find a suitable Doctor. So it's ok for Witnesses to use the Internet, but only when it's for an "important" reason?
Pg 3, point 3: RE: Elders advising medical Doctors on procedures, etc. I have this picture in my mind of a Janitor and a lawn-mowing elder discussing surgical technique with a Doctor.......
Pg 5, point 14: Implies all the blood-related stuff is a matter of conscience. It makes this point when explaining how the HIS and HLC and etc. are not for non-Witnesses.
When I was an elder, the point was sometimes made [wrongly] by traveling overseers that "we operate on priniciples, not on an exhaustive set of rules".......this sure looks like more rules and regulations and BS to me. They add more and more and more rules and regulations and reminders and so on.....
The arrogance of this letter just amazes me.