I too, am heading toward Emporer status: At the rate I've been posting since 2001, another 21 years and I'll have it.
you may before your emperor !!!!!
i'm trying to remember the process for giving a talk.
i remember getting a slip with a topic on it, but what else was on that slip?
did it tell you what scriptures you should cite, or what book the talk was based on?
i never knew this...just found it today.
made me giggle.. payment of sales tax on literatureon 17 january1990 the u.s. supreme court made a ruling that sales tax must be paid on religious literature.
the following month, a letter from the watchtower society went out to all congregations stating that there would no longer be a set price for literature but that they would be given to the public on a donation basis.
Amber is right about the reasons for this change being widely understood by the rank and file. In my area it was widely known that the "donation arrangement" was quickly undertaken to fend off the possibility of having to collect/report sales tax on literature placements.
Even though I was an elder at the time,I was "naive" about the ramifications of this new arrangement.
I took the "Society" at its word that literature would be provided free of charge, etc., but didn't catch the implied "wink" in this policy. In the months that followed, every Circuit Overseer visit would result in him hammering us about the "decline" in money forwarded for the [now] "free" literature......even to the point that they would calculate what the total "value" of the literature was that the congregation had been shipped in say the last 6 months [i.e. magazines+books+CD's etc.] and compare that to what was remitted (it was always less of course). It gradually "dawned" on me [yeah I was naive about this], that this new arrangement was "free" to the householders, but certainly not to us members of the congregation.
So then the thought that *we* (congregation memebers) should be sure we made up the shortfall was gradually introduced until it became the expected thing.
Bottom line is: The Society's switch in the US to the "donation arrangement" for literature resulted in individual members of the congregations paying for the literature mostly (since householders rarely contributed anywhere near enough overall), further enriching the coffers of the Watchtower organization.
BTW: This particular issue is the one that actually started me thinking more objectively about my whole religious life, though it took many more years for me to "Get it".
unlike any other business or homeowener in which we go out and buy insurance, the watchtower self insures itself.. each year all congregations sent a check through the wefts system for $4.5 for each publishers they have.
this money goes to the watchtower, and is kept as khaa or kingdom hall assistance arrangement.
any time fire, vandalism, or mishaps happen the kingdom hall supposedly sends the bill to the watchtower, and they will help with this bill (of course all labor will be done pro bono through regional building committe).
[Edited to add: This is a bit off-topic, but I think still relevant
Note that the Watchtower's self-insurance program, as it relates to losses/damages to Kingdom Halls, covers the MATERIALS only, NOT LABOR, [yet another distinction compared to "regular" insurance]
So if a Kingdom Hall suffers damage/loss, the organization will pay for replacement materials, BUT NOT THE LABOR.
This makes perfect sense from their point of view, I'm sure, as the orginal labor was contributed, why shouldn't the "brothers" contribute the repair/replacement labor as well. Of course if Congregation members are thinking of their annual "insurance payment" as providing for coverage like their own homeowner's policy, they are sadly mistaken.
I learned of this policy after a local Kingdom Hall was damaged [yes of course while I was still a dubbie]
" the overseer made it quite plain..
"if i can't say i have been advised not to serve in alternate service--why are you actually doing it?
i was there to serve jehovah; consequently i was doing jehovah's will.
just curious, with all the internet bashing, etc, if a bethelite wanted to have internet access in their room, would it be allowed.. if so, i wonder if they monitor the activity?
there will be new light (tm) coming forth soon regarding this.
the prophecy about a ban of all religion was misinterpreted.
upon further review, a ban is coming for the u.n., not "false religion".. .
last night, i was struck nearly head-on by a person attempting a left turn as i passed through the intersection.
i was injured, as well as the other driver.
the police told me that he broke his arm, and was in shock.
august 28, 2006 .
to all bodies of elders and traveling overseers
dear brothers, .
my elderly dub aunt (who's the biggest whiner the world has ever seen) came over tonight to first of all, whine about how her neighbour shuts her kitchen cupboard doors in the most annoying way possible and her dog barks and what was she supposed to do about it?
anyway, as soon as these monumental problems were solved, she informed me that at the bookstudy the other night, the conductor told everyone to "stay after the prayer" as he had 'something important to announce.
" naturally everyone did this, all the while wondering if the red phone at patterson was in direct contact with jehovah himself as the study was being conducted.
Is this why they're collecting the telephone numbers?