Another wasted life who may also have inflicted some trouble on others at the same time. A product of a futile & worthless belief system.
i just received this news from a bro who has connections in bethel.... .
bro albert d schroeder died at 10:30 am new york time today at brooklyn bethel...he was 94 yrs old.. he was born on april 7, 1911 in saginaw, michigan and entered bethel service in 1932. he was appointed a member of the governing body on december 18, 1974. bro schroeder's life story appeared in the march 1, '88 wt pages 10-17: entitled: "my life in jehovah's spirit-directed organization.".
i don't know if the "today" means it was actually i can't be sure when my friend received this news... but anyway, another of the old guys bites the dust.. .
Another wasted life who may also have inflicted some trouble on others at the same time. A product of a futile & worthless belief system.
i received this email from a friend of a friend:.
'comments made by brother lett at morning worship today.. the comments were about the work we have of bearing witness of the truth.
" again, the angels make note of it.. we knock at the fifth house and again no one is home.
They are deluded
i would like to state firstly that i in no way intend to offend anyone.. its just when i was in the org i had major problems with the blood issue/death because of persecution.
many times we were taught that god does`nt ask us to do anything that he has`nt done himself.
now imagine everything the bible says about jesus really did happen.
This is something I have a hard time wrapping my head around.
For an all-powerful God, how is anything a sacrifice?
"Sacrifice" implies irretrievable loss. Giving up something to gain something else. If you have all the power in the universe to "undo" any event that takes place, in what sense is anything a sacrifice? What exactly can God give up that he can never ever have again?
i would like to state firstly that i in no way intend to offend anyone.. its just when i was in the org i had major problems with the blood issue/death because of persecution.
many times we were taught that god does`nt ask us to do anything that he has`nt done himself.
now imagine everything the bible says about jesus really did happen.
Thanks. Phew, I though I was going to be stigmatised man!!!
The attitude of 'maybe we will be saved' is utterly self-defeating. JW`s live in a world of uncertainty & I think that affects people mentally. It did me.
When I think of it, I can only think of a few really, really happy JW`s and I know a lot of people.
i would like to state firstly that i in no way intend to offend anyone.. its just when i was in the org i had major problems with the blood issue/death because of persecution.
many times we were taught that god does`nt ask us to do anything that he has`nt done himself.
now imagine everything the bible says about jesus really did happen.
I found that as well when I originally came here last November.
It is liberating in fact when you consider that for years we told ourselves that the problem was ours, weak faith etc. The mind punishment of that gets unbearable 'I`m not good enough, I'm not good enough' - the JW mantra.
Keeps them all in check but makes for a bunch of miserable folk.
i would like to state firstly that i in no way intend to offend anyone.. its just when i was in the org i had major problems with the blood issue/death because of persecution.
many times we were taught that god does`nt ask us to do anything that he has`nt done himself.
now imagine everything the bible says about jesus really did happen.
I would like to state firstly that I in no way intend to offend anyone.
Its just when I was in the org I had major problems with the blood issue/death because of persecution. Many times we were taught that God does`nt ask us to do anything that he has`nt done himself. Now imagine everything the bible says about Jesus really did happen.
We were taught that God must have suffered so much in seeing his son die - this was ULTIMATE sacrifice. But God knew he was getting Jesus back within a few weeks. He knew this for a fact.
In our case, we are asked to make sacrifices (ourselves/children) and we are assured that Jehovah has done the same thing himself in J.C.
But we do not know for a fact that we will ever live again or see our dead loved ones. Nevertheless, we were to go ahead and do it anyway. (holocaust/malawi etc etc)
My point is, Jehovahs sacrifice does`nt seem to me to be much of a painful thing. He knew Jesus was getting life again, almost straight away. Our sacrifices would be much more painful to bear if we went through with them.
Anyone else have this thought or is it just me?
this may be a question for ex-elders.
is it always the case that a talk will be given after a d/f or reproof relating to the persons 'sin'?
after these announcements in our hall we always seemed to have a talk/local needs, which practically told you what the person had done.
This may be a question for ex-elders.
Is it always the case that a talk will be given after a d/f or reproof relating to the persons 'sin'?
After these announcements in our hall we always seemed to have a talk/local needs, which practically told you what the person had done. Some talks were highly embarassing.
Is this 'policy' & if so WHY?
what were some film scenes that pleased or horrified you so much that they stayed vivid in your memory for a long time?
the one i always recall is the scene where anthony hopkins (playing as hannibal lector) lobotomised ray liotta (paul krendler) cutting off pieces of his brain and giving them to him to eat.
he also took some of liotta's cooked brain in a plane and gave them to an unsuspecting passenger boy sitting next to him to eat.
Schindlers list affected me for weeks.
The bit where he has the train hosed down as if he`s mocking them, when really, it saved some lives.
It always amazed me how many watched 'inappropriate' movies. Also, alchohol was a real problem for many. How many times did you go to Sunday meeting and see all the drunkards answering up after beeing pi$$ed the night before??
having spent a couple of months in the world after a decade of devotion to the wt i have began to realise how hardly any of my friends have problems with illness.
it dawned on me a while ago that many, many witnesses have problems with health in one way or another.
how many times did you go to the hall and ask someone how they were doing to be told, 'oh, just struggling on', or 'i have`nt been too great' or 'i`m feeling a bit low just now'.
Having spent a couple of months in the world after a decade of devotion to the WT I have began to realise how hardly any of my friends have problems with illness.
It dawned on me a while ago that many, many witnesses have problems with health in one way or another. How many times did you go to the hall and ask someone how they were doing to be told, 'oh, just struggling on', or 'I have`nt been too great' or 'I`m feeling a bit low just now'. Tiredness was another major complaint. Many, of course, never gave much away about themselves but you got the impression that people generally had a negative outlook.
In the world people will acknowledge that life at times is not easy but it`s not the focus of conversation. People just tend to get on with it.
I know that in my case I was very worn out with kids/meeting/talk preperation/ministry, etc, etc. Also, the mental pressure of trying to live up to the unattainable. It just all gets too much. In the end, thats one reason why I went. I could`nt take it all. Major burnout!
The JW lifestyle puts major pressure on you, no doubt.