Hello Hillary_Step,
I appreciate your post. I'm not quite sure of what to make of it though. I had trouble understanding the point you were trying to make. If you found my post to be offensive in any way, I sincerely apologize.
Let me explain the context of my post. That particular thread was pretty heated. My post was just an attempt to show a little bit of humor in asking posters to be kind with one another. I never anticipated that it would be analyzed as an attempt to make some sort of political statement, or some sort of critique of others views.
I guess the point that I am making is this: It was just a little joke. Something that I've noticed quite a number of others doing on this site. (including the particular thread you wrote about) But, I must admit that sometimes jokes can be misunderstood and sometimes people can erroneously read more into it than it really says.
I would never want to disrespect other people's sensibilities or views. I certainly respect the fact that people on this site have many different views.
Again, I never attempted to show disrespect, I just was trying to show a little sense of humor. For any of you who found it to be disrespectful, I am sorry, and I sincerely apologize.