I would say that the biggest lemon has been Proverbs 4:18 which discusses the "light getting brighter". Nowhere in the context of this chapter is the writer talking about divine revelations, but is writing about Godly conduct. This scripture has been used so effectively to not only excuse flip-flops like the 1914 "Generation", but to make members feel proud of these changing teachings. Members are lead to believe that changing teachings are a sign of God's favor because of the "light getting brighter".
Posts by Arthur
Didya ever notice that the cited scriptures often didn't make the point?
by AlmostAtheist ineven when i was a faithful dub, it used to bother me that the watchtower would make some point, then cite a scripture that didn't prove that point at all.
i saw time and again where they would say something like, "just as jehovah created the universe, so the faithful and discreet slave is leading his human creation today.
(gen 1:1)" and if you bothered to check the reference, you realized the point that actually needed substantiated was not covered by the verse.
The Watchtower and Creation
by AlanF init struck me this past year, with respect to jw teachings about the timing of genesis 1, that even in things that really have no impact on what most jws think of as "core doctrine" the watchtower society sticks to its traditions over what the bible says.
this was again brought home in the september, 2006 awake!
17 between me and the sons of israel it is a sign to time indefinite, because in six days jehovah made the heavens and the earth and on the seventh day he rested and proceeded to refresh himself.
It's good to see you back Alan. Enjoyed the thread. I remember that you brought up this subject when many of us were discussing the Awake article on Evolution vs. Creation back in Aug or Sep of 2006. I believe you pointed out how the Awake article criticized the young-earth creationists for being dogmatic and ignoring scientific facts regarding the age of the earth. Interesting; given the fact that when the shoe is on the other foot, they protest vigorously (i.e. their insistence that the geneological records which date back to Adam must be calculated literally). In one case they are willing to ignore all of the scientific evidence for a literalist approach. In the other, they are accepting the scientific evidence and admitting that the Genesis 1 account should not be taken literally. Clearly, they want to have it both ways.
Circuit Overseer's Callous Remark
by snowbird ini was just thinking about a co's closing remarks one sunday after the watchtower study.
he stated that he had heard that ray franz was dead.
he didn't call him by name, of course.
Ray Franz has always been a convenient whipping boy for the good ole boys who make up the Watchtower heirarchy. I think that a lot of it is sour grapes. Franz has shown a much better grasp and deeper appreciation for the Scriptures than many prominent members of the Bethel family. From what I have observed; most of the organization's middle management are much more concerned with what the Watchtower magazine and headquarter policy says. For them, the Bible is just a big lump of Play-Dough to mold around the Watchtower's teachings.
Make your own Uncyclopedia definitions
by OnTheWayOut inisaacjs2 had a link to the uncyclopedia, a joke verson of wikipedia.
his thread was.
Charles T. Russell - A nineteenth century pastor who defied the Faithful and Discreet Slave Class by venturing off on his own to start his own private Bible study group. An man of modest demeanor, and a distrust for razors, Russell began publishing the Watchtower magazine; the Talmud of the Jehovah's Witness enclave. Russell, who had a fetish for pyramids and miracle wheat built his small group of Bible students into what would eventually become a book printing company with volunteer workers as it's sales force. Russell's grave; which looks like an Aztec ruin, can be fount outside of Pittsburgh, PA - home of one of the most yawn-evoking baseball teams of all time.
Watchtower Magazine - The bi-monthly journal of the Jehovah's Witnesses, published by the Watchtower Bible Manipulation Company. Published in dozens of languages; and left at countless laundromats; the Watchtower is a well spring of progressive knowledge written by a regressive organization. New Light can be readily found in it's pages, as well as life-saving information on topics ranging from the danger of Yoga, to the joys of kissing JW leader's asses. The magazine can be found stuffed in screen doors, under door mats, and laying on post office floors - yet must never be thrown away as this would show disrepect for it's author; Jehovah a.k.a. Slave Class.
Faithful and Discreet Slave Class - (see "God" - pg. 249)
New Light - (see "tricks of the trade" - pg. 395)
How the Society Portrays Cultural Diversity
by compound complex inwhat's wrong with this picture?.
the watch tower society claims that its members are united spiritually despite ethnic and cultural diversity; they speak a "pure language.
" an anglo-american religion, whose mother tongue is english, jehovah's witnesses see paradise - in saturated color - as though already "present.
Then they'll all be 'nekkid'....running around with perfect bodies, not having sex.
I think that I would rather have the Muslim paradise, than this.
"Give me liberty or give me death" - Patrick Henry
"Give me sex or give me death" - Arthur
USA - Don't Pump Gas on May 15th.
by onlycurious inon may 15th 2007, all internet users are to not go to a gas station in protest of high gas prices.
gas is now over $3.00 a gallon in most places.
there are 73,000,000+ american members currently on the internet network, and the average car takes about 30 to 50 dollars to fill up.
On the East Coast you will find professional people riding the buses. Lawyers, Doctors, Realtors, CPA's, etc....all ride the buses as a common form of transportation.
When I lived at Brooklyn Bethel, I was impressed at how easy it was to get around the NY and NJ area simply by taking the subways. It's a great public transit system they have there.
Not so here in Los Angeles. The area was built up with virtually no public transit in mind. To this day, public transit is scant. That coupled with the fact that the area is so geographically huge; makes public transit totally impractical for most commuters. I wish they would have developed more rail transit. I would have taken advantage of it.
How the Society Portrays Cultural Diversity
by compound complex inwhat's wrong with this picture?.
the watch tower society claims that its members are united spiritually despite ethnic and cultural diversity; they speak a "pure language.
" an anglo-american religion, whose mother tongue is english, jehovah's witnesses see paradise - in saturated color - as though already "present.
But why in the heck won't the black people who live everywhere else in the world except Africa just wear (gag) khakis and dress shirts like the white people? Is the society not planning for black americans and europeans to make it to the new system
LOL - Yes, khakis and dress shirts, the official garb of the New System. I laugh at how the men are portrayed as wearing this attire no matter what they are doing - sitting in a chair, planting tomatoes, or even playing volley ball. The men will probably even have sex with their wives with these clothes on. Does anyone stop to think: if everyone is going to be enjoying the paradise while eating fruit and training parrots to talk; who is going to be working in the factory facilities that will be necessary to manufacture thier khaki pants and dress shirts? Oh, these pesky details!
USA - Don't Pump Gas on May 15th.
by onlycurious inon may 15th 2007, all internet users are to not go to a gas station in protest of high gas prices.
gas is now over $3.00 a gallon in most places.
there are 73,000,000+ american members currently on the internet network, and the average car takes about 30 to 50 dollars to fill up.
The price of gas is mostly influenced by supply-and-demand, and OPEC; not the U.S. refiners. This scheme would be like protesting the skyrocketing price of beef cattle by not going into McDonald's on the 15th.
by Missanna ini am getting so tired of people telling me what is wrong with me and that i have left jehovah!!!
i'm so angry.
but are worse than most normal people in the "world" and told him to leave me alone and he wrote back saying i was misunderstanding him. BULLSHIT! anyway i got angry and i don't think i handled it very well. but at least he's off my back now.
missana probably broke the heart of an 62 year-old virgin who's life has withered down to watching episodes of Barney Miller, and mixing stucco at quick-builds.
AS A 16 YEAR OLD am i able to choose to have a blood transfusion
by Lotus65 inif i ever needed a blood transfusion would i have a right as a minor to choose a blood transfusion
Let's see now:
Blood is sacred to Jehovah because it represents life; right? So, if a JW's child needs a blood transfusion, the parent logically must refuse it. If the child dies without the transfusion, Jehovah is pleased with the parent's faithfulness. Why? Because even though the child lost their life, they still did not get transfused with blood which is sacred due to it's representing life. The child's life has been sacraficed, but at least the blood which represents life hasn't been put into their body. For this, Jehovah is pleased.
Talk about a doctrinal Rubik's Cube!