They added to their daily load, piece by piece, event by event, and expectation by expectation of what they felt a Witness of Jehovah would be. To the point, that the wonderful organization skills they cherished, became the overload they added to their people. So that their people have become no different then the Jews that Jesus counseled. Saying that you read the law, and it is not enough, you add on to it. Christianity, religion, etc.
Thank You! I am applauding you right now. This was one of the biggest issues that I tried to bring up with other Witnesses, but to no avail. Yes, this is such a good point, and one of the biggest resentments that I had against this band of Judaizers in Brooklyn.
The Governing Body has become exactly like the first century Pharisees that place a huge load on the shoulders of the rank and file. They are so obsessed with being "holier than thou" that they miss the forrest for the trees. The JW religion has become a mockery to Christian principles.
I think the JW religion has less in common with Christianity, and is much more like that pyramid scheme back in the 80s known as Amway. No amount of effort is enough for these anal number crunchers in Brooklyn. These guys are obsessed with statistics, numbers, hours, placements, and growth figures. I just go so exhausted from this never-ending treadmill, and from sanctimonious traveling overseers who always wanted to harp on the fact that the flock wasn't doing enough.
I would like to make thousands of copies of this post in leaflets and drop them by helicopter over Brooklyn Heights. And on the back, I would put a phone number for them to call: 1-800-EAT-SH*T