Have you ever heard of a JW being disfellowshipped for missing the Memorial on purpose ?
Just curious.
have you ever heard of a jw being disfellowshipped for missing the memorial on purpose ?.
just curious.. -me
Have you ever heard of a JW being disfellowshipped for missing the Memorial on purpose ?
Just curious.
(a) why is it difficult to find acceptable recreation?
q 6, 7. what can help you decide what is acceptable or unacceptable.
9 at times, christians ask: "what is acceptable recreation?
3 In these critical last days, as never before, Christians are faced with the challenge of living circumspectly in a corrupt world without adopting its practices. (John 17:15, 16)
WTF ?? "circumspectly" ?? lol How are us window washers will no edumacation supposed to understand this ?
Why couldn't they just say "cautiously" instead ?
god said ,.
you shall not eat from it or touch it,.
the serpent said to the woman,.
Revelation was written thousands of years later. How does that relate to the original story as it was written? How is that the writer of Revelation, a man locked in a prison recording his hallucinations, knows beyond his own imagination that the serpent was Satan?
Because the same applies to the book of Genesis and it seems you have no problem believing the writings of Genesis. Moses wrote it thousands of years after the events actually happened. He was a man in a wilderness writing about the creation of life. Why would you believe one unbelievable story and then deny another ?
I guess I should first ask, do you believe that Genesis was inspired by God ? Or do you believe that only certain books of the Bible are believable ?
did you feel conned into watching the silly thing and never finding out???!!!
that one drove me nuts.
I thought is was that wings that were painted on the outside of the package that was significant.
At your local Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses.
(that one was too easy )
god said ,.
you shall not eat from it or touch it,.
the serpent said to the woman,.
- Where in this passage does the writer identify the serpent as Satan? That will have the JW scouring the text frenetically, and ultimately unable to prove that it was actually Satan. They just assume that it is because the WTS tells them that it is.
"So down the great dragon was hurled, the original serpent, the one called Devil and Satan." (Rev. 12:9) Does the new testament count ?
Anyone can reason that God, "Satan", both or neither lied. One can say that God didn't lie, because Adam & Eve "died" in God's eyes, "died spiritually", started dying physically, or were as good as dead starting in that 24hr "day". And the other arguments for God lying and Satan telling the truth have already been mentioned.
If you believe as Jesus did, then you'll believe that Satan lied and God didn't. (John 8:44) I'm sure Satan is labeled a liar not because of what he said, but because his "intent" was not to the good of humans. Technically he didn't lie, but he decieved Eve which resulted in a bad outcome for humans.
I'm a simple kind of guy. All I'd wish for is . . .
1. A million red roses.
2. The perfect poem.
3. A plane ticket to Wisconsin to give the roses and poem to Brooke.
Hope you're feeling better. I hate to see beautiful women hurting.
last year, i dropped by my daughter and son -in-laws' house just when they were having a bible study, and i was invited to "sit in" on it, and be an observer.
i didn't ask any questions, because i was not prepared for this event, so i "behaved' and just listened.
if i would find myself in this predicament again in the future, i wonder what question i would bring up that they would have difficulty answering, to show how the watchtower lies to new converts and worldly people when teaching them?
How about . . .
"If my tooth or gums start to bleed, and I accidentally swallow, will I be guilty of eating blood ?"
comments you will not hear at the march 12, 2006 wt study (february 1, 2006 issue, pages 22-26)(witness/nations).
review comments will be in red.
wt material from today's wt will be in black.
15. . . . Never before have there been so many faithful servants of Jehovah on earth.
Statements like this make the average JW who can't think or reason believe that God is blessing this organization.
Due to the world's natural increase in population (6+ billion), it can also be said that: "Never before have there been so many worshipers of Satan on earth."
"worshiper of Satan" = anyone not a JW
Uh oh, Satan must be speeding up his work in his own due time.
btw - what was the population on earth at the time of Noah's flood ?
what was the difference between saul (later called paul) and hitler ?.
both had a hand in persecuting and killing people.
both thought they were doing the work of god.
I'm sure that Hitler had heard of Jesus and was told about him. With all the Christians he had to deal with, who were helping hide the Jews, I'm sure if he wanted to he could've met Jesus, not in the same way Paul did but the way that one who accepts Him into their heart does.
Paul heard of Jesus as well, but continued to persecute Christians. It wasn't until he saw him with his own eyes in a miraculous event that he changed his ways. Hitler was never given that chance.
However, like John 15:24 says: "If I had not done among them the works which no one else did, they would have no sin; but now they have seen and also hated both Me and My Father." No matter what Jesus shows them, they will still not believe. There were thousands and thousands and millions and millions of people who saw Jesus' miracles but didn't belive in Him. When Jesus appeared to Paul it was miraculous, but Paul could still have kept a hard heart and continued killing Christians or at least not turn to Jesus.
Paul could have stayed the same, but the fact is he did change. Countless people did witness Jesus and did not change. However, my point is that if even one person did change, would it not be worth it ? If Jesus appeared today in a miraculous event to the 6 billion people living today and only one person changed his wayward life, would it not be worth it ? (if he really does care about us, that is) 4 "What man of YOU with a hundred sheep, on losing one of them, will not leave the ninety-nine behind in the wilderness and go for the lost one until he finds it?" (Luke 15:4)
"[God] does not desire any to be destroyed but desires all to attain to repentance." (2 Peter 3:9) What's your take ? Golf -- What was your question again ?